Filter: partial reading/writing of files


This module provides services for partially reading or writing cgns files (HDF or ADF).

To use the module:

import Converter.Filter as Filter

List of functions

– Low level layer


Read a file and return a skeleton tree.

Converter.Filter.readNodesFromPaths(…[, …])

Read nodes from file given their paths.

Converter.Filter.readNodesFromFilter(…[, …])

Read nodes from file given a filter.

Converter.Filter.readPyTreeFromPaths(t, …)

Read nodes from file given their path and complete t.

Converter.Filter.writeNodesFromPaths(…[, …])

Write nodes to file given their paths.

Converter.Filter.writePyTreeFromPaths(t, …)

Write some nodes of the pyTree given their paths.

Converter.Filter.writePyTreeFromFilter(t, …)

Write nodes to file given a filter.

Converter.Filter.deletePaths(fileName, paths)

Delete nodes in file given their paths.

– High level layer


Handle for partial reading.


Load a skeleton tree.

Converter.Filter.Handle.getVariables([a, cont])

Return the variable names contained in file.

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadZones(a[, znp])

Fully load zones.

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadZonesWoVars(a[, …])

Load zones without loading variables.

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadVariables(a, var)

Load specified variables.

Converter.Filter.Handle.writeZones(a[, …])

Write specified zones.


Write specified zones without variables.

Converter.Filter.Handle.writeVariables(a, var)

Write specified variables.


Load and distribute zones from proc node.


Load and distribute zones.


Load and split a file.


Low level layer

Converter.Filter.convertFile2SkeletonTree(fileName, format=None, maxFloatSize=5, maxDepth=-1, links=None)

Read a skeleton tree. If float data array size of DataArray_t type nodes is lower than maxFloatSize then the array is loaded. Otherwise it is set to None. If maxDepth is specified, load is limited to maxDepth levels.

  • fileName (string) – file name to read from

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • maxFloatSize (int) – the maxSize of float array to load

  • maxDepth (int) – max depth of load

  • links (list of list of 4 strings) – if not None, return a list of links in file


Skeleton tree

Return type

pyTree node

For documentation on links, see Converter read options.

Example of use:

# - convertFile2SkeletonTree (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.Internal as Internal

a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.),(0.1,0.1,0.1),(11,11,11))
t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'in.cgns')

t = Filter.convertFile2SkeletonTree('in.cgns'); Internal.printTree(t)
#>> ['CGNSTree',None,[2 sons],'CGNSTree_t']
#>>   |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.0999999046325684],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t']
#>>   |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[1 son],'CGNSBase_t']
#>>       |_['cart',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t']
#>>           |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t']
#>>           |_['GridCoordinates',None,[3 sons],'GridCoordinates_t']
#>>               |_['CoordinateX',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t']
#>>               |_['CoordinateY',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t']
#>>               |_['CoordinateZ',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t']

Converter.Filter.readNodesFromPaths(fileName, paths, format=None, maxFloatSize=-1, maxDepth=-1, dataShape=None, skipTypes=None, com=None)

Read nodes specified by their paths. If maxFloatSize=-1, all data are loaded, otherwise data are loaded only if the number of elements is lower that maxFloatSize. If maxDepth=-1, the read is fully recursive. Otherwise, load is limited to maxDepth levels. If skipTypes is specified, children of nodes of given type are not loaded (HDF only).

  • fileName (string) – file name to read from

  • paths (list of strings) – paths to read

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • maxFloatSize (int) – the maxSize of float array to load

  • maxDepth (int) – max depth of load

  • dataShape (None or dictionary of shapes of data) – dictionary of returned data shapes if not None

  • skipTypes (None or list of strings) – list of CGNS types to skip

  • com (MPI communicator) – optional MPI communicator. If set, triggers parallel IO


read nodes

Return type

pyTree node list

Example of use:

# - readNodesFromPaths (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Cree le fichier test
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
b = G.cart((12,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'test.hdf')

# Relit les noeuds par leur paths
nodes = Filter.readNodesFromPaths('test.hdf', ['CGNSTree/Base/cart/GridCoordinates'])
#>> ['GridCoordinates',None,[3 sons],'GridCoordinates_t']
#>>   |_['CoordinateX',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t']
#>>   |_['CoordinateY',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t']
#>>   |_['CoordinateZ',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t']

Converter.Filter.readNodesFromFilter(fileName, filter, format='bin_hdf', com=None)

Partially read nodes from a file specified by a filter. Filter is a dictionary for each path to be read. It specifies the slice of array you want to load from file and write to memory. Each slice information is made of [ offset, stride, count, block ]. Offset specifies the starting index of slice. Stride specifies the stride of slice (for example 1 means all elements, 2 means one over two, …). Count is the number of element to read. Block is always 1.

For example, for structured grids: [[imin,jmin,kmin], [1,1,1], [imax-imin+1,jmax-jmin+1,kmax-kmin+1], [1,1,1]].

For example, for unstructured grids: [[istart], [1], [iend-imax+1], [1]].

Only for HDFfile format.

  • fileName (string) – file name to read from

  • filter (dictionary of lists) – paths and indices to be read

  • format (string) – bin_hdf

  • com (MPI communicator) – optional MPI communicator. If set, tirggers parralel IO


dictionary of read node data

Return type

dictionary of numpys

Example of use:

# - readNodesFromFilter (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Cree le fichier test
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
b = G.cart((12,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'test.hdf')

# Relit les noeuds par un filtre
path = ['/Base/cart/GridCoordinates/CoordinateX',

# start/stride/count (nbre d'entrees)/block
# Read 2x2x2 data from file, starting from 1,1,1
DataSpaceMMRY = [[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [2,2,2], [1,1,1]]
DataSpaceFILE = [[1,1,1], [1,1,1], [2,2,2], [1,1,1]]
DataSpaceGLOB = [[10,10,10]]

f = {}
f[path[0]] = DataSpaceMMRY+DataSpaceFILE+DataSpaceGLOB
f[path[1]] = DataSpaceMMRY+DataSpaceFILE+DataSpaceGLOB

# Lit seulement les chemins fournis, retourne un dictionnaire des chemins lus
a = Filter.readNodesFromFilter('test.hdf', f)
#>> [1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2.]

Converter.Filter.readPyTreeFromPaths(t, fileName, paths, format=None, maxFloatSize=-1, maxDepth=-1, dataShape=None, skipTypes=None, com=None)

Read nodes of t specified by their paths. Exists also as in place function (_readPyTreeFromPaths) that modifies t and returns None.

  • t (pyTree) – input tree

  • fileName (string) – file name to read from

  • paths (list of strings) – paths to read

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • maxFloatSize (int) – the maxSize of float array to load

  • maxDepth (int) – max depth of load

  • dataShape (None or dictionary of shapes of data) – dictionary of returned data shapes if not None

  • skipTypes (None or list of strings) – list of CGNS types to skip

  • com (MPI communicator) – optional MPI communicator. If set, triggers parallel IO

Return type

modified tree

Example of use:

# - readPyTreeFromPaths (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Cree le fichier test
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
b = G.cart((12,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'test.hdf')

t = Filter.convertFile2SkeletonTree('test.hdf', maxDepth=3)

# Complete t par leur paths
Filter._readPyTreeFromPaths(t, 'test.hdf', ['/Base/cart/GridCoordinates', 'Base/cart.0/GridCoordinates'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

Converter.Filter.writeNodesFromPaths(fileName, paths, nodes, format=None, maxDepth=-1, mode=0)

Write given nodes to specified paths in file. If mode=0 (append), nodes are appened to path location. Nevertheless, if a node with identical name already exists in the path node children, it will be replaced by the appended ones. If mode=1 (replace), nodes are replaced to path location. If maxDepth>0, replace mode kill children of replaced node. If maxDepth=0, replace mode replaces value and type of node (not the name).

  • fileName (string) – file name to write to

  • paths (list of strings) – paths to write to

  • nodes (list of pyTree nodes) – nodes to write

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • maxDepth (int) – max depth to write

  • mode (int) – writing mode (0: append, 1: replace)

Example of use:

# - writeNodesFromPaths (pyTree) -
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter

t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

# Append
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
Filter.writeNodesFromPaths('out.hdf', 'CGNSTree/Base', a)

# Append and replace
a = G.cart((1,1,1), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); a[0] = 'cart'
Filter.writeNodesFromPaths('out.hdf', 'CGNSTree/Base', a)

Converter.Filter.writePyTreeFromPaths(t, fileName, paths, format=None, maxDepth=-1)

Write given paths of tree to the same specified paths in file.

  • t (pyTree node) – input pyTree

  • fileName (string) – file name to write to

  • paths (list of strings) – paths to write to

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • maxDepth (int) – max depth to write

Example of use:

# - writePyTreeFromPaths (pyTree) -
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter

t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
t[2][1][2] += [a]
Filter.writePyTreeFromPaths(t, 'out.hdf', 'CGNSTree/Base/cart')

Converter.Filter.writePyTreeFromFilter(t, fileName, filter, format='bin_hdf', com=None)

Write partial data from tree t to file specified by a filter.

  • t (pyTree node) – input pyTree

  • fileName (string) – file name to write to

  • filter (dictionary of lists) – paths and indices to be read

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

  • com (MPI communicator) – optional MPI communicator. If set, triggers parallel IO

Example of use:

# - writePyTreeFromFilter (pyTree) -
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Transform.PyTree as T
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter

# Ecrit la zone en entier
t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
t[2][1][2] += [a]
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

# Prend une subzone et la remplace dans le fichier
t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
b = T.subzone(a, (2,2,2), (5,5,5)); b[0] = 'cart'
C._initVars(b, 'CoordinateX', 1.)
t[2][1][2] += [b]

DataSpaceMMRY = [[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [4,4,4], [1,1,1]]
DataSpaceFILE = [[2,2,2], [1,1,1], [4,4,4], [1,1,1]]
DataSpaceGLOB = [[10,10,10]]

f = {}
f['/Base/cart/GridCoordinates/CoordinateX'] = DataSpaceMMRY+DataSpaceFILE+DataSpaceGLOB

# skelData != None since node already exists
Filter.writePyTreeFromFilter(t, 'out.hdf', f, skelData=[])

Converter.Filter.deletePaths(fileName, paths, format=None)

Delete paths in file.

  • fileName (string) – file name to read from

  • paths (list of strings) – paths to read (relative to a)

  • format (string) – bin_cgns, bin_adf, bin_hdf (optional)

Example of use:

# - deletePaths (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter

t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

# Delete paths
Filter.deletePaths('out.hdf', 'CGNSTree/Base')

High level layer


Create a handle on a file to enable partial reading. The file must be a CGNS/ADF or CGNS/HDF file.


fileName (string) – file name to read from

Return type

handle class

Example of use:

# - Filter.Handle -
import Converter.Filter as Filter

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadSkeleton(maxDepth=3, readProcNode=False)

Load a skeleton tree from file (a tree of depth maxDepth where no data are loaded).

  • maxDepth (int) – the depth you want to load (-1 means all tree)

  • readProcNode (boolean) – if true, force reading of proc node. Usefull for maxDepth <= 4.

Return type

a skeleton pyTree

Example of use:

# - loadSkeleton -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Create test case
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'file.hdf')

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

# Load skeleton
a = h.loadSkeleton()


Get the names of variables contained in file. This function must be called after loadSkeleton.


cont – container name. Can be a CGNS name ‘FlowSolution’, … or ‘centers’ or ‘nodes’


list of variable names contained in file

Return type

list of strings

Example of use:

# - getVariables (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Create test case
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(a, 'F', 0)
C._initVars(a, 'centers:G', 1)
C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'file.hdf')

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

# Load skeleton
a = h.loadSkeleton()

# Get variables from file
vars = h.getVariables(); print(vars)
#>> ['FlowSolution/F', 'FlowSolution#Centers/G']

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadZones(a, znp=None)

Fully load specified zones (coordinates, fields, grid connectivity, boundary conditions) in tree. This function must be called after loadSkeleton.

  • a (pyTree) – modified pyTree

  • znp (list of strings) – paths of zones to load (must be a list of ‘BaseName/ZoneName’)

Example of use:

# - loadZonesWoVars (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Create test case
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
b = G.cart((10,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C.convertPyTree2File([a,b], 'file.hdf')

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

# Load skeleton
a = h.loadSkeleton()

# Fully load all zones

# Fully load two zones
h._loadZones(a, znp=['Base/cart', 'Base/cart.0'])

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadZonesWoVars(a, znp=None, bbox=None)

Load specified zones (coordinates, grid connectivity, boundary conditions) in tree. If bbox=[xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax] is specified, load only zones intersecting this bbox. This function must be called after loadSkeleton.

  • a (pyTree) – modified pyTree

  • znp (list of strings) – path of zones to load from (starting from top)

  • bbox (list of 6 floats) – optional bbox

Example of use:

# - loadZonesWoVars (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Create test case
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'file.hdf')

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

# Load skeleton
a = h.loadSkeleton()

# Load all zones without variable

# Load one zone without variable
h._loadZonesWoVars(a, znp=['Base/cart'])

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadVariables(a, var, znp=None)

Load specified variables in tree. This function must be called after loadSkeleton.

  • a (pyTree) – modified pyTree

  • var (string or list of strings) – variables to load

  • znp (list of strings) – path of zones to load from (starting from top)

Example of use:

# - loadVariables (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G

# Create test case
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(a, 'F', 0)
C._initVars(a, 'centers:G', 1)
C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'file.hdf')

# Create a handle on a CGNS file
h = Filter.Handle('file.hdf')

# Load skeleton
a = h.loadSkeleton()

# Load all zones without variable

# Load given variables for all zones
h._loadVariables(a, var=['F', 'centers:G'])

# Load given variables for given zone
h._loadVariables(a, var=['F', 'centers:G'], znp=['Base/cart'])

Converter.Filter.Handle.writeZones(a, fileName=None, znp=None)

Fully write specified zones (coordinates, fields, grid connectivity, boundary conditions) in file.

  • a (pyTree or list of zones) – input pyTree

  • fileName (string) – file name if different of handle name

  • znp (list of strings) – path of zones to write to in file (starting from root)

Example of use:

# - writeZones (pyTree) -
# with Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.Filter as Filter

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(a, 'centers:Density=1.')
b = G.cart((11,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(b, 'centers:Density=1.')
t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

h = Filter.Handle('out.hdf')

# Interface sur arbre (mais a doit etre mis dans t)
t[2][1][2] = [a,b]
h.writeZones(t, znp='Base/cart')

# Interface sur zones
h.writeZones(a, znp='Base/cart')
h.writeZones([a,b], znp=['Base/cart','Base/cart.0'])

Converter.Filter.Handle.writeZonesWoVars(a, fileName=None, znp=None)

Write specified zones without fields (coordinates, grid connectivity, boundary conditions) in file.

  • a (pyTree or list of zones) – input pyTree

  • fileName (string) – file name if different of handle name

  • znp (list of strings) – path of zones to write to in file (starting from root)

Example of use:

# - writeZones (pyTree) -
# with Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.Filter as Filter

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(a, 'centers:Density=1.')
b = G.cart((11,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(b, 'centers:Density=1.')
t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

h = Filter.Handle('out.hdf')
h.writeZonesWoVars(a, znp='Base/cart')
h.writeZonesWoVars([a,b], znp=['Base/cart','Base/cart.0'])

Converter.Filter.Handle.writeVariables(a, var, fileName=None, znp=None)

Write specified variables in file.

  • a (pyTree or list of zones) – input pyTree

  • var (string or list of strings) – variables to write

  • fileName (string) – file name if different of handle name

  • znp (list of strings) – path of zones to write to in file (starting from root)

Example of use:

# - writeVariables (pyTree) -
# with Filter
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.Filter as Filter

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(a, 'centers:Density=1.')
b = G.cart((11,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10))
C._initVars(b, 'centers:Density=1.')
t = C.newPyTree(['Base'])
C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

h = Filter.Handle('out.hdf')
h.writeZonesWoVars(a, znp='Base/cart')
h.writeVariables(a, 'centers:Density', znp='Base/cart')


Load on each processor the zones with the corresponding proc node. The zones in file must have a .Solver#Param/proc node.


loadVariables (Boolean) – If true, load all variables in file. Otherwise load only coordinates

Return type

partial tree on each processor

Example of use:

# - loadFromProc (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Converter.Mpi as Cmpi

# Build case
if Cmpi.rank == 0:
    import Converter.PyTree as C
    import Generator.PyTree as G
    import Transform.PyTree as T
    import Distributor2.PyTree as D2
    a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,50,50))
    a = T.splitNParts(a, Cmpi.size)
    D2._distribute(a, Cmpi.size)
    C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'case1.cgns')

h = Filter.Handle('case1.cgns')
a = h.loadFromProc()
Cmpi.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')

Converter.Filter.Handle.loadAndDistribute(strategy=None, algorithm='graph', loadVariables=True)

Load and distribute zones of file on the different processors.

  • strategy (string) – strategy for distribution. Can be None (only the number of points of block is considered), ‘match’ (use matching boundaries to optimize distribution)

  • algorithm (string) – algorithm for distribution. Can be ‘graph’, ‘fast’, ‘gradient’. See Distributor2 documentation.

  • loadVariables (Boolean) – If true, load all variables in file. Otherwise load only coordinates

Return type

partial tree on each processor

Example of use:

# - loadAndDistribute (pyTree) -
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Converter.Mpi as Cmpi

# Build case
if Cmpi.rank == 0:
    import Converter.PyTree as C
    import Generator.PyTree as G
    import Transform.PyTree as T
    a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,50,50))
    a = T.splitNParts(a, Cmpi.size)
    C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'case1.cgns')

h = Filter.Handle('case1.cgns')
a = h.loadAndDistribute()
Cmpi.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')


Load and split zones of file on the different processors (only for structured zones).

Return type

partial tree on each processor

Example of use:

# - loadAndSplit (pyTree) -
import Generator.PyTree as G
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Filter as Filter
import Converter.Mpi as Cmpi

# Build case
if Cmpi.rank == 0:
    a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,100,100))
    C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.hdf')

# With skeleton
h = Filter.Handle('out.hdf')
t = h.loadAndSplitSkeleton(NParts=3)
h._loadContainerPartial(t, variablesN=['GridCoordinates/CoordinateX','GridCoordinates/CoordinateY','GridCoordinates/CoordinateZ'])
Cmpi.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')

# In one go
h = Filter.Handle('out.hdf')
t = h.loadAndSplit(NParts=3)
Cmpi.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')