Internal: CGNS/Python tree management
This module provides simple and efficient functions for creating/traversing/manipulating CGNS/Python data tree (refered here as pyTree).
This module is part of Cassiopee, a free open-source pre- and post-processor for CFD simulations.
To use the module:
import Converter.Internal as Internal
All functions of Cassiopee modules (Converter.PyTree, Transform.PyTree, …) work on 3 types of containers: a container for grid coordinates named __GridCoordinates__, a container for node solution named __FlowSolutionNodes__ and a container for center solution named __FlowSolutionCenters__. By default:
Internal.__GridCoordinates__ = 'GridCoordinates'
Internal.__FlowSolutionNodes__ = 'FlowSolution'
Internal.__FlowSolutionCenters__ = 'FlowSolution#Centers'
To make the functions operate on another named container for example ‘FlowSolution#Init’, start your python script with:
Internal.__FlowSolutionNodes__ = 'FlowSolution#Init'
To automatically set the container names used by Cassiopee to the ones that exists in your pyTree t, use:
If multiple containers exists in your pyTree, for instance ‘FlowSolution1’ and ‘FlowSolution2’ for ‘FlowSolution_t’, the the first met is used by Cassiopee.
Through all this documentation, a pyTree node is a python list: [‘NodeName’, value numpy array, [node children list], ‘Type_t’] as described by CGNS/python standard (
‘NodeName’ is a string describing the node name; value numpy array is a numpy array corresponding to the value stored in node; ‘Type_t’ is a string describing the node type; node children list is a list of pyTree nodes that are the children of this node.
List of functions
– Node tests
Return True if node corresponds to a top tree node (CGSNTree_t). |
Return 0 if node is a list of standard pyTree nodes, -1 if node is a standard pyTree node, -2 otherwise. |
Return the type of node as an integer. |
Return True if node is of given type. |
Return True if node has given name. |
Return True if node has given value. |
Return True if node is a child of node start. |
– Set/create generic nodes
Set name in node. |
Set type in node. |
Set given value in node. |
Create a pyTree node. |
Add a child node to node’s children. |
Create a node and attach it to node’s children. |
Create a unique child in node’s children. |
– Access nodes
Return node name. |
Return node type. |
Return children list of a node. |
Return the value of a node. |
Return the path of node. |
Return a list of nodes matching given name. |
Return the first matching node with given name. |
Return a standard node containing the list of matching name nodes as children. |
Return a list of nodes matching given type. |
Return the first matching node with given type. |
Return a standard node containing the list of matching type nodes as children. |
Return a list of nodes matching given name and type. |
Return the first matching node with given name and type. |
Return a list of nodes matching given value. |
Return the parent of given node. |
Return thee first parent node matching type. |
Return all parent nodes matching type. |
Return the position of node in parent children list. |
Return a node from a path. |
Return a list of paths corresponding to a given name. |
Return a list of paths corresponding to a given type. |
Return a list of paths corresponding to a given value. |
Return end of path. |
Return the path ancestor of path. |
Return the list of paths of zones. |
Return a list of all Zone_t nodes. |
Return zones for given iteration of time. |
Return a list of all CGNSBase_t nodes. |
Return dimension information from a Zone_t node. |
Return 1 for structured zones, 2 for unstructured zones. |
– Check nodes
Pretty print a pyTree node. |
Return the size of a in octets. |
Check pyTree conformity. |
Correct a pyTree. |
– Copy nodes
Copy a tree sharing node values. |
Fully copy a tree. |
Copy the value of nodes specified by byName or byType string. |
Copy only this node (no recursion). |
– Add/remove nodes
Append a node to t specifying its path in t. |
Remove given node from t. |
Remove node by specifying its path. |
Remove nodes of given name. |
Remove nodes of given type. |
Remove nodes of that match given name and given type at the same time. |
Remove nodes that patch given value. |
– Modify nodes
Merge a list of pyTrees in one. |
Rename nodes (propagating changes). |
Sort nodes by their names (alphabetical order). |
Append base name to all zone names. |
Tag all BCs of given type with family named FamilyName. |
– Create specific CGNS nodes
Create a new pyTree. |
Create a new Base node. |
Create a new Zone node. |
Create a GridCoordinates node. |
Create a new DataArray node. |
Create a new DataClass node. |
Create a new DimensionalUnits node. |
Create a new DimensionalExponents node. |
Create a new DataConversion node. |
Create a new Descriptor node. |
Create a new GridLocation node. |
Create a new IndexArray node. |
Create a new PointList node. |
Create a new PointRange node. |
Create a new Rind node. |
Create a new SimulationType node. |
Create a new Ordinal node. |
Create a new DiscreteData node. |
Create a new IntegralData node. |
Create a new Elements node. |
Create a new ParentElements node. |
Create a new ParentElementsPosition node. |
Create a new ZoneBC node. |
Create a new BC node. |
Create BCDataSet node. |
Create a new BCData node. |
Create BCProperty node. |
Create AxiSymetry node. |
Create a new RotatingCoordinates node. |
Create a new FlowSolution node. |
Create a new ZoneGridConnectivity node. |
Create a new GridConnectivity1to1 node. |
Create a new GridConnectivity node. |
Create a new GridConnectivityType node. |
Create a new GridConnectivityType node. |
Create a new Periodic node. |
Create a new OversetHoles node. |
Create a new FlowEquationSet node. |
Create a new GoverningEquation node. |
Create a new GasModel node. |
Create a new ThermalConductivity node. |
Create a new ViscosityModel node. |
Create a new TurbulenceClosure node. |
Create a new TurbulenceModel node. |
Create a new ThermalRelaxationModel node. |
Create a new ChemicalKineticsModel node. |
Create a new EMElectricFieldModel node. |
Create a new EMConductivityModel node. |
Create a new BaseIterativeData node. |
Create a new ZoneIterativeData node. |
Create a new RigidMotion node. |
Create a new RigidGridMotionType node. |
Create a new Reference State node. |
Create a new ConvergenceHistory node. |
Create a new Family node. |
Create a new FamilyBC node. |
Create a new GeometryReference node. |
Create anew ArbitrayGridMotion node. |
Create a new UserDefinedData node. |
Create a new Gravity node. |
Node tests
(node) Return True if node is a top tree node.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
- Return type
Boolean: True or False
Example of use:
# - isTopTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 'Base2']) print(Internal.isTopTree(t)) #>> True print(Internal.isTopTree(t[2][1])) #>> False
(node) Return 0 if node is a list of standard pyTree nodes, -1 if node is a standard pyTree node, -2 otherwise.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
- Return type
int: 0: node is a list of standard nodes, -1: node is a standard node, -2: otherwise
Example of use:
# - isStdNode (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy # This is a standard node a = ['toto', numpy.zeros(12), [], 'DataArray_t'] print(Internal.isStdNode(a)) #>> -1 # This is not a standard node b = ['toto', 'tata'] print(Internal.isStdNode(b)) #>> -2 # This is a list of standard nodes c = ['titi', numpy.zeros(13), [], 'DataArray_t'] print(Internal.isStdNode([a,c])) #>> 0
(node) Return 1 if node is a zone node, 2 if node is a list of zones, 3 if node is a tree, 4 if node is a base, 5 if node is a list of bases, -1 otherwise.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
- Return type
int: 1: zone node, 2: list of zones, 3: pyTree, 4: base node, 5: list of bases, -1: otherwise
Example of use:
# - typeOfNode (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 'Base2']) print(Internal.typeOfNode(t)) #>> 3
(node, ntype) Compare given type and node type. Wildcards are accepted for ntype.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
ntype (string) – CGNS type string (‘DataArray_t’, ‘Zone_t’, …)
- Return type
Boolean: True or False
Example of use:
# - isType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 'Base2']) # This is true print(Internal.isType(t, 'CGNSTree_t')) #>> True # This is false print(Internal.isType(t, 'CGNSBase_t')) #>> False # Check with wildcard: answer true if the type matches the string print(Internal.isType(t, 'CGNS*')) #>> True
(node, name) Compare given name and node name. Wildcards are accepted for name.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
name (string) – node name to be checked
- Return type
Boolean: True or False
Example of use:
# - isName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 'Base2']) # This is false print(Internal.isName(t[2][1], 'Base3')) #>> False # This is true if node name matches the string print(Internal.isName(t[2][1], 'Base*')) #>> True
(node, value) Compare given value and node value. If value is a string, wildcards are accepted. Accepts also numpy arrays as value.
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
value (int, float, string, numpys) – node value to be checked
- Return type
Boolean: True or False
Example of use:
# - isValue (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy # Check a scalar value node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) print(Internal.isValue(node, 1.)) #>> True # Check a numpy array values node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value=numpy.zeros(10)) print(Internal.isValue(node, numpy.zeros(10))) #>> True # Check a string value node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value='toto') print(Internal.isValue(node, 'toto')) #>> True
(start, node) Return true if node is a child of start, even at deep levels. Exists also as isChild1 and isChild2, limited to 1 or 2 recursivity level.
- Parameters
start (a pyTree node) – Input node
node (pyTree node) – node to be checked as a child of start
- Return type
Boolean: True or False
Example of use:
# - isChild (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 'Base2']) b1 = Internal.getNodeFromPath(t, 'CGNSTree/Base1') b2 = Internal.getNodeFromPath(t, 'CGNSTree/Base2') n = Internal.createChild(b1, 'mynode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) print(Internal.isChild(b1, n)) #>> True print(Internal.isChild(b2, n)) #>> False
new in version 2.7.
Set/create generic nodes
(node, name) Set the given name to node (node is modified).
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
name (string) – node name to be set
- Return type
Example of use:
# - setName (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) Internal.setName(node, 'myNode'); print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 1.]), [], 'DataArray_t']
(node, ntype) Set the given type to node (node is modified).
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
ntype (string) – node type to be set
- Return type
Example of use:
# - setType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) Internal.setType(node, 'Zone_t'); print(node) #>> ['node1', array([ 1.]), [], 'Zone_t']
(node, value=None) Set the given value in node (node is modified). Value can be provided as an int, a float, a string or a numpy array but it is always stored as a numpy array in node[1].
- Parameters
node (a pyTree node) – Input node
value (int, float, string, numpys) – node value to be set
- Return type
Example of use:
# - setValue (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy node = Internal.createNode('node1', 'DataArray_t', value=12.) # Set a scalar value in node Internal.setValue(node, 1.); print(node) #>> ['node1', array([ 1.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Set a numpy array in node Internal.setValue(node, numpy.zeros(10)); print(node) #>> ['node1', array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Set an array as a list Internal.setValue(node, [1.,12.,13.]); print(node) #>> ['node1', array([ 1., 12., 13.]), [], 'DataArray_t']
(name, ntype, value=None, children=None, parent=None) Create a node with a given name and type and optional value and children. If parent is present, created node is also attached to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – created node name
ntype (string) – created node type (‘DataArray_t’, ‘Zone_t’, …)
value (int, float, string, numpys) – created node value
children (list of pyTree nodes) – a list of children nodes
parent (pyTree node) – optional node. If given, created node is attached to parent.
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - createNode (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy # Create a node named myNode, of type DataArray_t, with one value 1. node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1., children=[]); print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 1.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Create a node named myNode, of type DataArray_t, with an array valued in a list node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=[12.,14.,15.], children=[]); print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 12., 14., 15.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Create a node named myNode, of type DataArray_t, with a given numpy a = numpy.zeros( (10) ) a[1] = 1.; a[8] = 2. node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=a, children=[]); print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Create a node named GoverningEquation, of type 'GoverningEquation_t' and value 'Euler' node = Internal.createNode('GoverningEquation', 'GoverningEquation_t', value='Euler'); print(node) #>> ['GoverningEquation', array(['E', 'u', 'l', 'e', 'r'], dtype='|S1'), [], 'GoverningEquation_t']
(node, child, pos=-1) Insert a child at given index in the children list of node. If pos=-1, add it at the end.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – modified node
child (pyTree node) – node added as children of node
pos (int) – position of child in children list
- Returns
child (identical to input)
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - addChild (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) child1 = Internal.createNode('child1', 'DataArray_t', value=2.) child2 = Internal.createNode('child2', 'DataArray_t', value=3.) # add children nodes to node Internal.addChild(node, child1, pos=-1) # at the end Internal.addChild(node, child2, pos=0) # first print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 1.]), [['child2', array([ 3.]), [], 'DataArray_t'], ['child1', array([ 2.]), [], 'DataArray_t']], 'DataArray_t']
(node, name, ntype, value=None, children=None, pos=-1) Create a child node and attach it to a given node. Child’s node name, type, value and children can be specified. Position in children list can also be specified. node is modified and newly created child node is returned. If a node with the same name already exists in node children list, the newly created node is nevertheless added. To avoid creating nodes with the same name, consider using createUniqueChild.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – modified node
name (string) – created node name
ntype (string) – created node type
value (int, float, string, numpys) – created node value
children (list of pyTree nodes) – optional list of nodes to be attached as children to the created node.
pos (int) – position of child in children list
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - createChild (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1., children=[]) Internal.createChild(node, 'childName', 'DataArray_t', value=2., children=[]) print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 1.]), [['childName', array([ 2.]), [], 'DataArray_t']], 'DataArray_t']
(node, name, ntype, value=None, children=None, pos=-1) Same as Internal.createChild except that, if a node with the same name already exists in the children list, its value and type are replaced with given values (node is modified) and newly created or modified child node is returned.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – modified node
name (string) – created node name
ntype (string) – created node type
value – created node value
children (list of pyTree nodes) – optional list of nodes to be attached as children to the created node.
pos (int) – position of child in children list
- Returns
created (or modified) node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - createUniqueChild (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) Internal.createUniqueChild(node, 'childName', 'DataArray_t', value=2.) # Since childName node already exists. Only the value will be set. Internal.createUniqueChild(node, 'childName', 'DataArray_t', value=3.); print(node) #>> ['myNode', array([ 1.]), [['childName', array([ 3.]), [], 'DataArray_t']], 'DataArray_t']
Acess nodes
(node) Return the name of node. Completely equivalent to node[0].
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – input node
- Returns
name of node
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getName (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) print(Internal.getName(node)) #>> myNode
(node) Return the type of node. Completely equivalent to node[3].
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – input node
- Returns
type of node
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) print(Internal.getType(node)) #>> DataArray_t
(node) Return the type of node. Completely equivalent to node[2].
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – input node
- Returns
children nodes
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getChildren (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal node = Internal.createNode('myNode', 'DataArray_t', value=1.) print(Internal.getChildren(node)) #>> []
(node) Return value of node. Depending of stored value, return string, int, float or numpy array. It differs from node[1], which is always a numpy array.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – input node
- Returns
node value
- Return type
string, int, float, numpy array
Example of use:
# - getValue of a node (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal # Structured array a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1., 0.5,1.), (40,50,20)) # Get value stored in a zone node print(Internal.getValue(a)) #>> [[40 39 0] [50 49 0] [20 19 0]] # Get type of a zone (from ZoneType node) node = Internal.getNodeFromName(a, 'ZoneType') # Print node[1], which is a numpy array print(node[1]) #>> array(['S', 't', 'r', 'u', 'c', 't', 'u', 'r', 'e', 'd'] # getValue, return a string in this case print(Internal.getValue(node)) #>> Structured
(t, node, pyCGNSLike=False) Return path of node in t. Path is a string describing the node names from t to node. For instance: Base/Zone/GridConnectivity. If node is not found, return None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
node (pyTree node) – input node
pyCGNSLike (boolean) – if True, paths don’t start with CGNSTree
- Returns
path of node in t
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getPath (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) print(Internal.getPath(t, a)) #>> CGNSTree/Base/cart
(t, name) Return a list of nodes matching given name (wildcards allowed). To accelerate search, this function can be limited to 1, 2 or 3 levels from the starting node using getNodesFromName1, getNodesFromName2, getNodesFromName3. Then wildcards are then no longer allowed.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
name (string) – nodes name we are looking for
- Returns
list of nodes that matches name (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getNodesFromName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return nodes named 'cart' nodes = Internal.getNodesFromName(t, 'cart'); print(nodes) #>> [['cart', array([..]), [..], 'Zone_t']] # Return the 3 coordinate nodes nodes = Internal.getNodesFromName(t, 'Coordinate*'); print(nodes) #>> [['CoordinateX', array([..]), [], 'DataArray_t'], ['CoordinateY', array([]), 'DataArray_t'], ['CoordinateX', array([..]), [], 'DataArray_t']]
(t, name) Return the first node found of given name. Starting node must be a standard pyTree node. Wildcards are NOT accepted. To accelerate search, this function can be limited to 1, 2 or 3 levels from the starting node using getNodeFromName1, getNodeFromName2, getNodeFromName3. If not found, it returns None. This is a fast routine.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
name (string) – node name we are looking for
- Returns
node that matches name (shared with t)
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getNodeFromName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return the node named 'cart' node = Internal.getNodeFromName(t, 'cart'); print(node) #>> ['cart', array([..]), [..], 'Zone_t']
(t, name, recursive=-1) Return a standard node containing the list of matching name nodes as children. Wildcards are accepted.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
name (string) – node name we are looking for
recursive (int) – if set to 1,2,3, search is limited to 1,2,3 levels. If set to -1, the search is not limited.
- Returns
standard node with children list set as list of nodes that match name
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getByName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return a standard node containing nodes of name 'cart' as children node = Internal.getByName(t, 'cart'); print(node) #>> ['cart', None, [['cart', array(...), [..], 'Zone_t']], None]
(t, ntype) Return a list of nodes matching given type. To accelerate search, this function can be limited to 1, 2 or 3 levels from the starting node using getNodesFromType1, getNodesFromType2, getNodesFromType3.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
- Returns
list of nodes that matches given type (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getNodesFromType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) # Return nodes of type 'Zone_t' zones = Internal.getNodesFromType(t, 'Zone_t'); print(zones) #>> [['cart', array(..), [..], 'Zone_t']] # Limit search to 2 levels (faster) zones = Internal.getNodesFromType2(t, 'Zone_t'); print(zones) #>> [['cart', array(..), [..], 'Zone_t']]
(t, ntype) Return the first node found of given type. Starting node must be a standard pyTree node. To accelerate search, this function can be limited to 1, 2 or 3 levels from the starting node using getNodeFromType1, getNodeFromType2, getNodeFromType3. If not found, it returns None. This is a fast routine.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
- Returns
node that matches type (shared with t)
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getNodeFromType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return the first node of type 'Zone_t' node = Internal.getNodeFromType(t, 'Zone_t'); print(node) # Limit search to second level (faster) node = Internal.getNodeFromType2(t, 'Zone_t'); print(node)
(t, ntype, recursive=-1) Return a standard node containing the list of matching type nodes as children.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
recursive (int) – if set to 1,2,3, search is limited to 1,2,3 levels. If set to -1, the search is not limited.
- Returns
standard node with children list set as list of nodes that match type
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getByType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return a standard node containing nodes of type 'Zone_t' as children zones = Internal.getByType(t, 'Zone_t'); print(zones)
(t, name, ntype) Return a list of nodes matching given name and type. Wildcards are accepted for name and type.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
name (string) – node name we are looking for
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
- Returns
list of nodes that matches given name and type (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getNodesFromNameAndType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return nodes named 'cart' and of type 'Zone_t' nodes = Internal.getNodesFromNameAndType(t, 'cart', 'Zone_t'); print(nodes) #>> [['cart', array([..]), [..], 'Zone_t']] # Return the 3 coordinate nodes nodes = Internal.getNodesFromNameAndType(t, 'Coordinate*', 'Data*_t'); print(nodes) #>> [['CoordinateX', array([..]), [], 'DataArray_t'], ['CoordinateY', array([]), 'DataArray_t'], ['CoordinateX', array([..]), [], 'DataArray_t']]
new in version 2.7.
(t, name, ntype) Return the first node found of given name and type. Starting node must be a standard pyTree node. If not found, it returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
name (string) – node name we are looking for
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
- Returns
node that matches name and type (shared with t)
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getNodeFromNameAndType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return the node named 'cart' and type 'Zone_t' node = Internal.getNodeFromNameAndType(t, 'cart', 'Zone_t'); print(node) #>> ['cart', array([..]), [..], 'Zone_t']
new in version 2.7.
(t, value) Return a list of nodes matching given value. if value is a string, wildcards are accepted.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
value (string, int, float, numpy) – node value we are looking for
- Returns
list of nodes that match given value (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getNodesFromValue (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return nodes with given value nodes = Internal.getNodesFromValue(t, 2.4); print(nodes) #>> [] nodes = Internal.getNodesFromValue(t, 'Structured'); print(nodes) #>> [['ZoneType', array(..), [], 'ZoneType_t']]
(t, node) Return the parent node of given node in t. t must be a higher node in the tree. It returns p (the parent node) and c (the position number of node in the parent’s children list). If t is a node of a pyTree, then p[2][c] = node. If t is a list of standard nodes, then p == t and p[c] = node. If node is not found, then p is None. This in an expansive routine. Prefer top-down tree traversal, if possible.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – higher node
node (pyTree node) – node the parent of which is looked for
- Returns
parent node and position in children list
- Return type
tuple (pyTree node, c)
Example of use:
# - getParentOfNode (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) (p, c) = Internal.getParentOfNode(t, a); print(p) #>> ['Base', array(..), [..], 'CGNSBase_t']
(t, node, parentType) Return the parent node of given node in t. The parent can be any level upper. t must be a higher node in the tree. It returns the first parent node matching that type.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – higher node
node (pyTree node) – node the parent of which is looked for
parentType (string) – type of parent
- Returns
parent node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getParentFromType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal a = Internal.createNode('level0', 'DataArray_t', 0) b = Internal.createChild(a, 'level1', 'DataArray_t', 1) c = Internal.createChild(b, 'level2', 'DataArray_t', 2) p = Internal.getParentFromType(a, c, 'DataArray_t'); print(p[0]) #>> level1
new in version 2.7.
(t, node, parentType) Return a list of parent nodes of given node in t of given type. The parent can be any level upper. t must be a higher node in the tree.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – higher node
node (pyTree node) – node the parent of which is looked for
parentType (string) – type of parent
- Returns
parent node list
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getParentsFromType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal a = Internal.createNode('level0', 'DataArray_t', 0) b = Internal.createChild(a, 'level1', 'DataArray_t', 1) c = Internal.createChild(b, 'level2', 'DataArray_t', 2) p = Internal.getParentsFromType(a, c, 'DataArray_t') for i in p: print(i[0]) #>> level0 #>> level1
new in version 2.7.
(node, parent) Return the position of node in parent children list. If node is not found, return -1.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node) – node which position need to be found
parent (pyTree node) – the parent of node
- Returns
node position in parent children
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getNodePosition (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) g = Internal.getNodeFromType(a, 'GridCoordinates_t') x = Internal.getNodeFromName(g, 'CoordinateZ') print(Internal.getNodePosition(x, g)) #>> 2
new in version 2.9.
(t, path) Return a node from its path string. Note that node path is relative to input node. If not found, it returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
path (string) – path (‘Base/Zone’)
- Returns
found node (shared with t)
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - getNodeFromPath (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) # Return GridCoordinates node coords = Internal.getNodeFromPath(t, 'Base/cart/GridCoordinates'); print(coords) #>> ['GridCoordinates', None, [..], 'DataArray_t'] # Return GridCoordinates node (path is relative to input node) coords = Internal.getNodeFromPath(a, 'GridCoordinates'); print(coords) #>> ['GridCoordinates', None, [..], 'DataArray_t']
(node, name, pyCGNSLike=False) Return a list of paths corresponding to a given name. The paths are built from node. Wildcards are accepted for name.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
name – node name we are looking for
pyCGNSLike (boolean) – if True, paths don’t start with CGNSTree
- Returns
list of paths of nodes matching given name
- Return type
list of strings
Example of use:
# - getPathsFromName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return paths of zone named 'cart' paths = Internal.getPathsFromName(t, 'cart'); print(paths) #>> ['CGNSTree/Base/cart'] # Return the 3 coordinate paths paths = Internal.getPathsFromName(t, 'Coordinate*'); print(paths) #>> ['CGNSTree/Base/cart/GridCoordinates/CoordinateX', '/CGNSTree/Base/cart/GridCoordinates/CoordinateY', '/CGNSTree/Base/cart/GridCoordinates/CoordinateZ']
new in version 2.5.
(node, ntype, pyCGNSLike=False) Return a list of paths corresponding to a given type. The paths are built from node.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
ntype (string) – node type we are looking for
pyCGNSLike (boolean) – if True, paths don’t start with CGNSTree
- Returns
list of paths of nodes matching given type
- Return type
list of strings
Example of use:
# - getPathsFromType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return nodes of type 'Zone_t' zonePaths = Internal.getPathsFromType(t, 'Zone_t'); print(zonePaths) #>> ['CGNSTree/Base/cart']
(node, value, pyCGNSLike=False) Return a list of paths corresponding to a given value. The paths are built from node. If value is a string, wildcards are accepted.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
value (string, int, float, numpy) – node value we are looking for
pyCGNSLike (boolean) – if True, paths don’t start with CGNSTree
- Returns
list of paths of nodes matching given type
- Return type
list of strings
Example of use:
# - getPathsFromValue (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # Return nodes with given value paths = Internal.getPathsFromValue(t, 3.1); print(paths) #>> ['CGNSTree/CGNSLibraryVersion'] paths = Internal.getPathsFromValue(t, 'Structured'); print(paths) #>> ['CGNSTree/Base/cart/ZoneType']
New in version 2.5
(path) Return the last term of path.
- Parameters
path (string) – input path
- Returns
last term of path
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getPathLeaf (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal print(Internal.getPathLeaf('CGNSTree/Base/Zone')) #>> Zone
New in version 2.5
(path, level=-1) Return the path ancestor of path.
- Parameters
path (string) – input path
level (int) – number of level to go up
- Returns
path of ancestor
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getPathAncestor (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal print(Internal.getPathAncestor('CGNSTree/Base/Zone', level=1)) #>> CGNSTree/Base
New in version 2.5
(t, pyCGNSLike=False) Return the list of paths of Zone_t nodes. Paths are relative to node t.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
pyCGNSLike (boolean) – if True, paths don’t start with CGNSTree
- Returns
list of Zone_t paths
- Return type
list of strings
Example of use:
# - getZonePaths (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) # Return paths of 'Zone_t' zonePaths = Internal.getZonePaths(t); print(zonePaths) #>> ['CGNSTree/Base/cart']
New in version 2.5
(t) Return the list of Zone_t nodes.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
- Returns
list of Zone_t nodes (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getZones (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) # Return nodes of type 'Zone_t' zones = Internal.getZones(t); print(zones) #>> [['cart', array(..), [..], 'Zone_t']]
(t, iteration=None, time=None) Return the list of Zone_t nodes matching a given iteration. A BaseIterativeData node must exist in input pyTree. If iteration is provided, return a list of zones matching iteration. If time is provided, return a list of zones mathcing time If none is set, return a list of list of zones for each iterations.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
iteration (int) – iteration number
time (float) – desired time
- Returns
list of Zone_t nodes (shared with t) or list of list of zones
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getZonesPerIterations (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) b = Internal.getNodeFromName(t, 'Base') n = Internal.newBaseIterativeData(name='BaseIterativeData', nsteps=1, itype='IterationValues', parent=b) Internal.newDataArray('TimeValues', value=[0.], parent=n) Internal.newDataArray('NumberOfZones', value=[1], parent=n) Internal.newDataArray('ZonePointers', value=[['cart']], parent=n) # List of zones of it=0 zones = Internal.getZonesPerIteration(t, iteration=0) # List of zones of time 0. zones = Internal.getZonesPerIteration(t, time=0.) # All zones of all iterations zones = Internal.getZonesPerIteration(t)
(t) Return the list of CGNSBase_t nodes.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting node
- Returns
list of CGNSBase_t nodes (shared with t)
- Return type
list of pyTree nodes
Example of use:
# - getBases (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a]) # Return nodes of type 'Zone_t' bases = Internal.getBases(t); print(bases) #>> [['Base', array(..), [..], 'CGNSBase_t']]
(zone) Return the dimension of a zone node. Return [‘Structured’, ni, nj, nk, celldim] for structured grids, return [‘Unstructured’, np, ne, eltsName, celldim] for unstructured grids. np is the number of points, ne the number of elements, celldim is 0, 1, 2, 3 depending on element dimension, eltsName is one of NODE, BAR, TRI, QUAD, TETRA, PYRA, PENTA, NGON, MULTIPLE.
- Parameters
zone (pyTree node of type 'Zone_t') – a ‘Zone_t’ node
- Returns
[‘Structured’, ni, nj, nk, celldim] or [‘Unstructured’, np, ne, eltsName, celldim]
- Return type
list of data
Example of use:
# - getZoneDim (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) dim = Internal.getZoneDim(a); print(dim) #>> ['Structured', 10, 10, 10, 3] a = G.cartTetra((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) dim = Internal.getZoneDim(a); print(dim) #>> ['Unstructured', 1000, 3645, 'TETRA', 3]
(zone) Return the nature of zone. Return 1 if zone is structured, 2 if unstructured, 0 if failed.
- Parameters
zone (pyTree node of type 'Zone_t') – a ‘Zone_t’ node
- Returns
1 or 2
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getZoneType (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) print(Internal.getZoneType(a)) #>> 1 a = G.cartTetra( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) print(Internal.getZoneType(a)) #>> 2
Check nodes
(node, file=None, stdOut=None, editor=None, color=False) Pretty print a pyTree or a pyTree node to screen or in file.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node of list of pyTree nodes) – input node
file (string) – file name (optional)
stdOut (file object) – a file object (as created by open)(optional)
editor (string) – an editor name (optional)
color (True or False) – trigger colored output with ANSI codes (optional)
Example of use:
# - printTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Generator.PyTree as G a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) Internal.printTree(a) # can print a zone (or any node or any list of nodes) #>> ['cart',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t'] #>> |_['GridCoordinates',None,[3 sons],'GridCoordinates_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateX',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateY',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateZ',array(shape=(10, 10, 10),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) Internal.printTree(t) # can print a tree #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[2 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> .. Internal.printTree(t, file='toto.txt') # in a file f = open('toto.txt', 'a') Internal.printTree(t, stdOut=f) # in a file object Internal.printTree(t, editor='emacs') # with an editor
(node) Return the size of input node and attached nodes in octets.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node of list of pyTree nodes) – input node
- Returns
size of node in octets
- Return type
Example of use:
# - getSizeOf (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) print(Internal.getSizeOf(a))
(t, level=-20) Check pyTree t following level (0: valid version node, 1: node conformity, 2: unique base name, 3: unique zone name, 4: unique BC name, 5: valid BC range, 6: valid opposite BC range for match and nearmatch, 7: referenced familyZone and familyBCs must be defined in bases, 8: valid CGNS types, 9: valid connectivity, 10: valid CGNS flowfield name and dimension). If level=-20, all previous checks are performed.
Return a list of pairs of invalid nodes and error message.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input pyTree
level (int) – level of check
- Returns
[(node, ‘errror message’)]
- Return type
list of tuple (node, ‘error’)
Example of use:
# - checkPyTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Connector.PyTree as X import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) b = G.cart((9,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) c = G.cartTetra((9,9,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) a = C.addBC2Zone(a, 'wall1', 'BCWall', 'imin') t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b,c]) t = X.connectMatch(t) errors = [] # check unique base names errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=2) # check unique zone names errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=3) # check unique BC names errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=4) # check BC ranges errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=5) # check opposite ranges errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=6) # check family definition errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=7) # check CGNSTypes errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=8) # check element nodes errors += Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=9); print(errors) #>> [] # Introduce errors (on purpose!) n = Internal.getNodeFromType(t, 'Zone_t') Internal.setType(n, 'Zon_t') errors = Internal.checkPyTree(t, level=8); print(errors) #>> [['cart', array(..), [..], 'Zon_t'], 'Unknown CGNS type Zon_t for node cart.\n']
(t, level=-20) Correct a pyTree t following level (0: valid version node, 1: node conformity, 2: unique base name, 3: unique zone name, 4: unique BC name, 5: valid BC range, 6: valid opposite BC range for match and nearmatch, 7: referenced familyZone and familyBCs must be defined in bases, 8: valid CGNS types, 9: valid connectivity, 10: valid CGNS flowfield name and dimension).
Generally invalid nodes are suppressed. If level=-20, all previous checks are performed.
Exists also as in place version (_correctPyTree) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input pyTree
level (int) – level of check
- Returns
modified reference copy of t
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - correctPyTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Connector.PyTree as X import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) b = G.cart((9,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) a = C.addBC2Zone(a, 'wall1', 'BCWall', 'imin') t = C.newPyTree(['Base', a, b]) t = X.connectMatch(t) t = Internal.correctPyTree(t)
Copy nodes
(node) Copy recursively sharing node values (in particular data numpys are shared).
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input data
- Returns
copy of input data
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - copyRef (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Generator.PyTree as G a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # t2 and t are sharing values (also data numpys) t2 = Internal.copyRef(t)
(node) Fully copy a tree. Node values (in particular data numpys) are copied.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input data
- Returns
copy of input data
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - copyTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # t2 is a full copy of t (values/numpys are also copied) t2 = Internal.copyTree(t)
(node, byName=None, byType=None) Copy recursively the value of nodes specified by byName or byType string. Wildcards are accepted.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input data
byName (string) – name of nodes to be copied or None
byType (string) – type of nodes to be copied or None
- Returns
copy of input data
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - copyValue (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Generator.PyTree as G a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) # t2 has numpy copy only for nodes of type 'DataArray_t' t2 = Internal.copyValue(t, byType='DataArray_t') # t3 has numpy copy only for nodes of name 'Coordinate*' t3 = Internal.copyValue(t, byName='Coordinate*')
(node) Copy only this node (no recursion). Node value (in particular data numpys) is copied.
- Parameters
node (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
- Returns
copy of input node
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - copyNode (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal a = Internal.newDataArray(value=[1,2,3]) # Copy only the numpy of this node b = Internal.copyNode(a) # Modify numpy of b b[1][0]=5 # a is not modified print(a) #>> ['Data', array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int32), [], 'DataArray_t'] print(b) #>> ['Data', array([5, 2, 3], dtype=int32), [], 'DataArray_t']
Add/remove node
(t, node, path) Append a node by specifying its path. Note that the path is relative to t.
Exists also as in place version (_append) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
node (pyTree node) – node to be added
path – the path where node should be added (‘Base/’)
- Returns
modified reference copy of t
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - append (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) # Append a to 'Base' node of t t = Internal.append(t, a, 'Base') #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[3 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[1 son],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> | |_['cart',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> | ... #>> |_['Base2',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t'] C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, node) Remove given node in t. t is modified.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – starting node
node (pyTree node) – node to be removed
- Return type
Example of use:
# - _rmNode (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t[2][1][2] += [a] # rm the node a from t Internal._rmNode(t, a) #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[3 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> |_['Base2',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t']
(t, path) Remove node that corresponds to path in t.
Exists also as in place version (_rmNodeByPath) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node) – input node
path (string) – path of node to be removed (ex: ‘Base/Zone0’)
- Returns
reference copy of t with node removed
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - rmNodeByPath (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) for i in range(10): a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) a[0] = 'Cart'+str(i) t[2][1][2].append(a) t = Internal.rmNodeByPath(t, 'Base/Cart2') t = Internal.rmNodeByPath(t, 'Base/Cart4') C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, name) Remove all nodes in t that match given name.
Exists also as in place version (_rmNodesByName) that modifies t and returns None. Exists also as in place with search limited to 1 or 2 levels as _rmNodesByName1 and _rmNodesByName2.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
name (string) – name of nodes to be removed (wildcards are accepted)
- Returns
reference copy of t with nodes removed
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - rmNodesByName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) for i in range(10): a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) a[0] = 'Cart'+str(i) t[2][1][2].append(a) t = Internal.rmNodesByName(t, 'Cart0') t = Internal.rmNodesByName(t, 'Cart*') C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, ntype) Remove all nodes in t that match given type.
Exists also as in place version (_rmNodesByType) that modifies t and returns None. Exists also as in place with search limited to 1 or 2 levels as _rmNodesByType1 and _rmNodesByType2.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
ntype (string) – type of nodes to be removed
- Returns
reference copy of t with nodes removed
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - rmNodesByType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) for i in range(10): a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) a[0] = 'Cart'+str(i) t[2][1][2].append(a) t = Internal.rmNodesByType(t, 'Zone_t') C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, name, ntype) Remove all nodes that match given type and given name at the same time.
Exists also as in place version (_rmNodesByNameAndType) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
name (string) – name of nodes to be removed (wildcards accepted)
ntype (string) – type of nodes to be removed
- Returns
reference copy of t with nodes removed
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - rmNodesByNameAndType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal t = C.newPyTree(['Base', 'Base2']) for i in range(10): a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) a[0] = 'Cart'+str(i) t[2][1][2].append(a) t = Internal.rmNodesByNameAndType(t, 'Cart0', 'Zone_t') C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, value) Remove all nodes in t that match given value.
Exists also as in place version (_rmNodesByValue) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
value (string, number...) – value of nodes to be removed
- Returns
reference copy of t with nodes removed
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - rmNodesByValue (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10) ) a = C.fillEmptyBCWith(a, 'far', 'BCFarfield') a = Internal.rmNodesByValue(a, 'BCFarfield') t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
Modify nodes
(A) Merge a list of trees defined in [t1, t2,…]. Return a merged tree. If a node appears more than once in different trees of the list, the first found node is kept.
- Parameters
A (list of pyTrees) – list of trees to be merged
- Returns
merged tree (reference copy)
- Return type
Example of use:
# - merge (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Generator.PyTree as G t1 = C.newPyTree(['Base1', 2, 'Base2', 3]) t2 = C.newPyTree(['Other1', 'Other2', 'Base2']) a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); t1[2][1][2] += [a] t = Internal.merge([t1, t2]) #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[5 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base1',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[1 son],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> | |_['cart',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> | ... #>> |_['Base2',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> |_['Other1',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> |_['Other2',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t'] C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, name, newName) Rename node named ‘name’ with ‘newName’ in t. Occurances of name elsewhere in the tree t is replaced with ‘newName’. Widlcards are accepted for name.
Exists also as in place version (_renameNode) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – input node
- Returns
reference copy of t
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - renameNode (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal import Connector.PyTree as X a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) b = G.cart((9,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)) t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b]) t = X.connectMatch(t) # Change the zone named 'cart' and its reference in BCMatch (GridConnectivity) t = Internal.renameNode(t, 'cart', 'myCart') C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, recursive=True) Sort nodes by their name (alphabetical order). If recursive=True, sort also chidren nodes.
Exists also as in place version (_sortByName) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree node or list of pyTree nodes) – starting pyTree node
recursive (boolean) – if True, perform sort also on all children nodes
- Returns
reference copy of t
- Return type
same as t
Example of use:
# - sortByName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); a[0] = 'b' b = G.cart((12,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); b[0] = 'a' t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b]) t = Internal.sortByName(t) C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, updateRef=True, separator='_', trailing='') Append base name to zone name (resulting name is baseName_zoneName for each zone). If updateRef=True, reference to zone names in BC,… are replaced. Separator between base and zone name can be set with separator, a trailing string can also be added.
Exists also as in place version (_appendBaseName2ZoneName) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (top pyTree node or list of Base nodes) – input date
updateRef (Boolean) – True if reference to zone name has to be changed
separator (string) – separator between base and zone name
trailing (string) – trailing to be optionally added to merge name
- Returns
reference copy of input
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - appendBaseName2ZoneName (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); a[0] = 'a' b = G.cart((11,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,10,10)); b[0] = 'b' t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a,b]) t = Internal.appendBaseName2ZoneName(t) #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[2 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> |_['Base_a',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> | |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t'] #>> | ... #>> |_['Base_b',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t'] #>> ... C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
(t, btype='BCWall', name='FamWall') For each base, gather all BCs of same BCType in a family named FamilyName. The family node is created and the BC is tagged with BC family.
Exists also as in place version (_groupBCByBCType) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters
t (pyTree or list of Base nodes) – input data
btype (string) – Type of BC to be grouped in a family
name (string) – name of family to be created
- Returns
reference copy of input
- Return type
same as input
Example of use:
# - groupBCByType (PyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Generator.PyTree as G a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.),(0.1,0.1,0.1),(10,10,10)) a = C.fillEmptyBCWith(a, 'wall', 'BCWall') t = C.newPyTree(['Base',a]) Internal._groupBCByBCType(t, 'BCWall', 'FamWall') #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[2 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'CGNSBase_t'] #>> |_['cart',array(shape=(3, 3),dtype='int32',order='F'),[3 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> | ... #>> | |_['ZoneBC',None,[6 sons],'ZoneBC_t'] #>> | |_['wall1',array('FamilySpecified',dtype='|S1'),[2 sons],'BC_t'] #>> | | |_['PointRange',array(shape=(3, 2),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] #>> | | |_['FamilyName',array('FamWall',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'FamilyName_t'] #>> | |_['wall2',array('FamilySpecified',dtype='|S1'),[2 sons],'BC_t'] #>> | | |_['PointRange',array(shape=(3, 2),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] #>> | ... #>> |_['FamWall',None,[1 son],'Family_t'] #>> |_['FamilyBC',array('BCWall',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'FamilyBC_t'] C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.cgns')
New in version 2.4
Create specific CGNS nodes
() Create a tree node with the CGNS version node.
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newCGNSTree (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal t = Internal.newCGNSTree(); print(t) #>> ['CGNSTree', None, [['CGNSLibraryVersion', array([ 3.1]), [], 'CGNSLibraryVersion_t']], 'CGNSTree_t']
(name='Base', cellDim=3, physDim=3, parent=None) Create a base node. cellDim is the dimension of zone cells of this base, physDim is the dimension of physical space. For example, triangle zones in 3D space will correspond to cellDim=2 and physDim=3. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of base
cellDim (int) – dimension of zone cells in Base (1, 2, 3)
physDim (int) – physical dimension of space (1, 2, 3)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newCGNSBase (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a base node b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base'); print(b) #>> ['Base', array([3, 3], dtype=int32), [], 'CGNSBase_t'] # Create a base node and attach it to tree t = Internal.newCGNSTree() Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t); Internal.printTree(t) #>> ['CGNSTree',None,[2 sons],'CGNSTree_t'] #>> |_['CGNSLibraryVersion',array([3.1],dtype='float64'),[0 son],'CGNSLibraryVersion_t'] #>> |_['Base',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'CGNSBase_t']
(name='Zone', zsize=None, ztype='Structured', family=None, parent=None) Create a zone node. zsize is the dimension of zone, ztype is the type of zone (‘Structured’ or ‘Unstructured’). If family is not None, attach a zone family node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of zone
zsize (list of integers) – number of points, number of elements, 0
ztype (string) – ‘Structured’ or ‘Unstructured’
family (string) – optional family name
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newZone (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a zone node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10, 2, 0]], ztype='Structured'); Internal.printTree(z) #>> ['Zone',array(shape=(3, 1),dtype='int32',order='F'),[1 son],'Zone_t'] #>> |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t'] # Create a zone node and attach it to tree t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) z = Internal.newZone('Zone', [[10],[2],[0]], 'Structured', parent=b)
(name=Internal.__GridCoordinates__, parent=None) Create a GridCoordinates node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of GridCoordinates container
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridCoordinates (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a GridCoordinates node n = Internal.newGridCoordinates(); print(n) #>> ['GridCoordinates', None, [], 'GridCoordinates_t'] # Create a zone node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') n = Internal.newGridCoordinates(parent=z); Internal.printTree(z) #>> ['Zone',array(shape=(3, 1),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Zone_t'] #>> |_['ZoneType',array('Structured',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ZoneType_t'] #>> |_['GridCoordinates',None,[0 son],'GridCoordinates_t']
(name='Data', value=None, parent=None) Create a DataArray node. value can be a string, an int, a float, a numpy of ints, a numpy of floats. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of node
value (string, int, float, numpy) – value to put in node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDataArray (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy # Create a DataArray node n = Internal.newDataArray('CoordinateX', numpy.zeros(10)); print(n) #>> ['CoordinateX', array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), [], 'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to a parent node g = Internal.newGridCoordinates() Internal.newDataArray('CoordinateX', value=numpy.arange(0,10), parent=g) Internal.newDataArray('CoordinateY', value=numpy.zeros(10), parent=g) Internal.newDataArray('CoordinateZ', value=numpy.zeros(10), parent=g); Internal.printTree(g) #>> ['GridCoordinates',None,[3 sons],'GridCoordinates_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateX',array(shape=(10,),dtype='int64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateY',array(shape=(10,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['CoordinateZ',array(shape=(10,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t']
(value='UserDefined', parent=None) Create a DataClass node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value to put in node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDataClass (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a DataClass node n = Internal.newDataClass('Dimensional'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['DataClass',array('Dimensional',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'DataClass_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newDiscreteData('DiscreteData') Internal.newDataClass('Dimensional', parent=d)
(massUnit='Kilogram', lengthUnit='Meter', timeUnit='Second', temperatureUnit='Kelvin', angleUnit='Radian', parent=None) Create a DimensionalUnits node. Arguments describe the units of the problem. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
massUnit (string in 'Null', 'UserDefined', 'Kilogram', 'Gram', 'Slug', 'PoundMass',) – mass unit you want
lengthUnit (string in 'Null', 'UserDefined', 'Meter', 'Centimeter', 'Millimeter', 'Foot', 'Inch') – length unit you want
timeUnit (string in 'Null', 'UserDefined', 'Second') – time unit you want
temperatureUnit (string in 'Null', 'UserDefined', 'Kelvin', 'Celsius', 'Rankine') – temprature unit you want
angleUnit (string in 'Null', 'UserDefined', 'Radian', 'Degree') – angle unit you want
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDimensionalUnits (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy # Create a DimensionalUnits node n = Internal.newDimensionalUnits(massUnit='Kilogram') Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['DimensionalUnits',array(shape=(32, 5),dtype='|S1',order='F'),[0 son],'DimensionalUnit_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newDataArray('CoordinateX', numpy.zeros(10)) Internal.newDimensionalUnits(lengthUnit='Meter', parent=d)
(massExponent='Kilogram', lengthExponent='Meter', timeExponent='Second', temperatureExponent='Kelvin', angleExponent='Radian', parent=None) Create a DimensionalExponents node. Arguments describe the unit exponent of the problem. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
massExponent (float) – exponent for mass
lengthExponent (float) – exponent for length
timeExponent (float) – exponent for time
temperatureExponent (float) – exponent for temperature
angleExponent (float) – exponent for angle
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDimensionalExponents (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a DimensionalExponents node # Example for velocity exponents (m/s) n = Internal.newDimensionalExponents(massExponent=0., lengthExponent=1., timeExponent=-1., temperatureExponent=0., angleExponent=0.); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['DimensionalExponents',array(shape=(5,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DimensionalExponents_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newGridCoordinates() Internal.newDataClass('Dimensional', parent=d) Internal.newDimensionalExponents(massExponent=0., lengthExponent=1., timeExponent=0., temperatureExponent=0., angleExponent=0., parent=d)
(conversionScale=1., conversionOffset=0., parent=None) Create a DataConversion node. Arguments describe the conversion factors. Data(raw) = Data(nondimensional)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
conversionScale (float) – scale for conversion
conversionOffset – offset for conversion
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDataConversion (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Data(raw) = Data(nondimensional)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset # Create a DataConversion node n = Internal.newDataConversion(conversionScale=1., conversionOffset=0.); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['DataConversion',array(shape=(2,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataConversion_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newDiscreteData('DiscreteData') Internal.newDataClass('NondimensionalParameter', parent=d) Internal.newDataConversion(conversionScale=1., conversionOffset=0., parent=d)
(name='Descriptor', value='', parent=None) Create a Descriptor node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of node
value (string) – value to put in node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDescriptor (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a Descriptor node n = Internal.newDescriptor(name='Descriptor', value='Mesh exported from Cassiopee 2.2'); print(n) #>> ['Descriptor', array(..), [], 'Descriptor_t'] # Attach it to a parent node b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base') Internal.newDescriptor('Descriptor', 'Aircraft with nacelle Mach=0.7 Re=4 million alpha=-2', parent=b)
(value='CellCenter', parent=None) Create a GridLocation node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value to put in node (‘CellCenter’, ‘Vertex’…)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridLocation (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a GridLocation node n = Internal.newGridLocation(value='CellCenter'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['GridLocation',array('CellCenter',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GridLocation_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBC('wall', [1,80,30,30,1,2], 'BCWall') Internal.newGridLocation('Vertex', parent=d)
(name='Index', value=None, parent=None) Create a indexArray node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of node
value (list of integers) – integer values of indices
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newIndexArray (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newIndexArray(name='Index', value=[101,51,22,1024,78]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Index',array(shape=(5,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexArray_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newFlowSolution('FlowSolution', 'Vertex') Internal.newIndexArray('Index', [101,51,22,1024,78], parent=d)
(name='PointList', value=None, parent=None) Create a PointList node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of node
value (list of integers) – list of point indices
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newPointList (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a Descriptor node n = Internal.newPointList(name='PointList', value=[101,51,22,1036,2]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['PointList',array(shape=(5,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexArray_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBC('wall', [1,80,30,30,1,2], 'BCWall') Internal.newPointList('PointList', [101,51,22,1036,2], parent=d)
(name='PointRange', value=None, parent=None) Create a PointRange node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of node
value (list of integers) – list of point indices ([imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax] for a structured point range)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newPointRange (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newPointRange(name='PointRange', value=[1,10,1,10,5,5]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['PointRange',array(shape=(3, 2),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBC('wall', [1,80,30,30,1,2], 'BCWall') Internal.newPointRange('PointRange', [1,71,29,29,1,5], parent=d)
(value=None, parent=None) Create a Rind node. Rind contains the number of ghost cells for a structured block. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (list of integers) – list of integers (6 for a structured block)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newRind (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a Rind node (Rind contains the number of ghost cells for a structured block) n = Internal.newRind([0,0,0,0,1,1]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Rind',array(shape=(6,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'Rind_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newGridCoordinates() Internal.newRind([0,0,0,0,1,1], parent=d)
(value='TimeAccurate', parent=None) Create a SimulationType node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node (‘TimeAccurate’,’NonTimeAccurate’)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newSimulationType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a simulation type node b = Internal.newSimulationType(value='NonTimeAccurate'); Internal.printTree(b) #>> ['SimulationType',array('NonTimeAccurate',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'SimulationType_t'] # Attach it to parent b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3) Internal.newSimulationType('TimeAccurate', parent=b)
(value=0, parent=None) Create an Ordinal node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (integer) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newOrdinal (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a ordinal node b = Internal.newOrdinal(value=1); Internal.printTree(b) #>> ['Ordinal',array([1],dtype='int32'),[0 son],'Ordinal_t'] # Attach it to zone z = Internal.newZone('Zone', [[10],[2],[0]], 'Structured') Internal.newOrdinal(value=1, parent=z)
(name='DiscreteData', parent=None) Create a DiscreteData node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newDiscreteData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a discrete data node b = Internal.newDiscreteData(name='DiscreteData'); Internal.printTree(b) #>> ['DiscreteData',None,[0 son],'DiscreteData_t'] # Attach it to zone z = Internal.newZone('Zone', [[10],[2],[0]], 'Structured') Internal.newDiscreteData('DiscreteData', parent=z)
(name='IntegralData', parent=None) Create an IntegralData node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newIntegralData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create an integral data node n = Internal.newIntegralData(name='IntegralData'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['IntegralData',None,[0 son],'IntegralData_t'] # Attach it to base b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3) Internal.newIntegralData('IntegralData', parent=b)
(name='Elements', etype='UserDefined', econnectivity=None, erange=None, eboundary=0, parent=None) Create a Elements node. etype is the element type (‘BAR’, ‘TRI’, ‘QUAD’, …), econnectivity is the connectivity numpy array and eboundary … If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
etype (string) – type of the elements (‘BAR’, ‘TRI’, ‘QUAD’, ‘TETRA’, ‘HEXA’, ‘PENTA’, ‘NODE’, ‘PYRA’, ‘NGON’, ‘NFACE’)
econnectivity (numpy array) – connectivity of elements
erange (list of two integers) – element range
eboundary (integer) – number of elements at boundary (0 by default)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newElements (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create an elements node b = Internal.newElements(name='Elements', etype='UserDefined', econnectivity=None, eboundary=0); Internal.printTree(b) #>> ['Elements',array(shape=(2,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[2 sons],'Element_t'] #>> |_['ElementConnectivity',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['ElementRange',None,[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] # Attach it to zone z = Internal.newZone('Zone', [[10],[2],[0]], 'Unstructured') Internal.newElements(name='Elements', etype='UserDefined', econnectivity=None, eboundary=0, parent=z)
(value=None, parent=None) Create a ParentElements node. value is a numpy array. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (numpy array) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newParentElements (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a parent elements node n = Internal.newParentElements(value=None); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ParentElements',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to elements d = Internal.newElements('Elements', 'UserDefined', None, 0) Internal.newParentElements(None, parent=d)
(value=None, parent=None) Create a ParentElementsPosition node. value is a numpy array. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (numpy array) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newParentElementsPosition (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a parent elements position node n = Internal.newParentElementsPosition(value=None); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ParentElementsPosition',None,[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to elements d = Internal.newElements(name='Elements', etype='UserDefined', econnectivity=None, eboundary=0) Internal.newParentElementsPosition(None, parent=d)
(parent=None) Create a ZoneBC node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newZoneBC (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a zoneBC node n = Internal.newZoneBC(); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ZoneBC',None,[0 son],'ZoneBC_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newZoneBC(parent=z)
(name='BC', pointRange=None, pointList=None, btype='Null', family=None, parent=None) Create a BC node. It can be defined by a pointRange for structured zones or a pointList of faces for unstructured zones. btype specifies the BC type. A BC familyName can also be defined. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
pointRange (list of integers) – list of point indices ([imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax] for a structured point range)
pointList (list of integers) – list of point indices (for unstructured grid)
btype (string) – type of BC (BCWall, BCFarfield, FamilySpecified…)
family (string) – name of the family for a family specified BC
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newBC (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a BC node n = Internal.newBC(name='BC', pointList=[22,1036,101,43], btype='BCFarfield') Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['BC',array('BCFarfield',dtype='|S1'),[1 son],'BC_t'] #>> |_['PointList',array(shape=(4,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexArray_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newZoneBC() Internal.newBC('BC', [1,45,1,21,1,1], 'BCWall', parent=d)
(name='BCDataSet', value='Null', gridLocation=None, parent=None) Create a BCDataSet node. value must be a BCType. GridLocation (‘FaceCenter’, ‘Vertex’) can be specified. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
value (string) – value of node (UserDefined, BCWall…)
gridLocation (string) – location of the grid points (Vertex, FaceCenter, CellCenter…)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newBCDataSet (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a BC data set node n = Internal.newBCDataSet(name='BCDataSet', value='BCWall'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['BCDataSet',array('BCWall',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'BCDataSet_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBC(name='BC', pointList=[22,1036,101,43], btype='BCFarfield') Internal.newBCDataSet(name='BCDataSet', value='UserDefined', parent=d) # Complete BC + BCDataSet + BCData b = Internal.newBC(name='BC', pointList=[22,1036,101,43], btype='BCFarfield') d = Internal.newBCDataSet(name='BCDataSet', value='UserDefined', gridLocation='FaceCenter', parent=b) d = Internal.newBCData('BCNeumann', parent=d) d = Internal.newDataArray('Density', value=[1.,1.,1.,1.], parent=d)
(name='BCData', parent=None) Create a BCData node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newBCData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a BC data node n = Internal.newBCData(name='BCData'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['BCData',None,[0 son],'BCData_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBCDataSet(name='BCDataSet', value='UserDefined') Internal.newBCData('BCNeumann', parent=d); Internal.printTree(d) #>> ['BCDataSet',array('UserDefined',dtype='|S1'),[1 son],'BCDataSet_t'] #>> |_['BCNeumann',None,[0 son],'BCData_t']
(wallFunction='Null', area='Null', parent=None) Create a BCProperty node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
wallFunction (string) – type of wall function (Null, UserDefined, Generic)
area (string) – type of area (Null, UserDefined, BleedArea, CaptureArea)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newBCProperty (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a BC property node n = Internal.newBCProperty(wallFunction='Null', area='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['BCProperty',None,[2 sons],'BCProperty_t'] #>> |_['WallFunctionType',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'WallFunctionType_t'] #>> |_['Area',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'Area_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newBC(name='BC', pointList=[22,1036,101,43], btype='BCWall') Internal.newBCProperty(wallFunction='Null', area='Null', parent=d)
(referencePoint=[0.,0.,0.], axisVector=[0.,0.,0.], parent=None) Create a AxiSymmetry node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
referencePoint (list of 3 floats) – coordinates of the axis point
axisVector (list of 3 floats) – axis vector
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newAxiSymmetry (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create an axisymmetry node n = Internal.newAxiSymmetry(referencePoint=[0.,0.,0.], axisVector=[0.,0.,0.]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['AxiSymmetry',None,[2 sons],'AxiSymmetry_t'] #>> |_['AxiSymmetryReferencePoint',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['AxiSymmetryAxisVector',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to base b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3) Internal.newAxiSymmetry([0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.], parent=b)
(rotationCenter=[0.,0.,0.], rotationRateVector=[0.,0.,0.], parent=None) Create a RotatingCoordinates node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
rotationCenter (list of 3 floats) – coordinates of the rotation center
rotationRateVector (list of 3 floats) – vector of rotation rate
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newRotatingCoordinates (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create an rotating coordinates node n = Internal.newRotatingCoordinates(rotationCenter=[0.,0.,0.], rotationRateVector=[0.,0.,0.]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['RotatingCoordinates',None,[2 sons],'RotatingCoordinates_t'] #>> |_['RotationCenter',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['RotationRateVector',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to base b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3) Internal.newRotatingCoordinates([0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.], parent=b)
(name=__FlowSolutionNodes__, gridLocation='Vertex', parent=None) Create a newFlowSolution node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string or container) – name or the container of the flow solution node
gridLocation (string (Vertex, CellCenter...)) – location of the node grid points
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newFlowSolution (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a flow solution node n = Internal.newFlowSolution(name='FlowSolution', gridLocation='Vertex'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['FlowSolution',None,[1 son],'FlowSolution_t'] #>> |_['GridLocation',array('Vertex',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GridLocation_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newFlowSolution(name='FlowSolution', gridLocation='Vertex', parent=z)
(name='ZoneGridConnectivity', parent=None) Create a newZoneGridConnectivity node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newZoneGridConnectivity (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newZoneGridConnectivity(name='ZoneGridConnectivity'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ZoneGridConnectivity',None,[0 son],'ZoneGridConnectivity_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newZoneGridConnectivity('ZoneGridConnectivity', parent=z)
(name='Match', donorName=None, pointRange=None, pointList=None, pointRangeDonor=None, pointListDonor=None, transform=None, parent=None) Create a newGridConnectivity1to1 node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
donorName (string) – name of donor zone
pointRange (list of integers) – list of point indices of the local zone ([imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax] for a structured point range)
pointList (list of integers) – list of point indices of the local zone (for unstructured grid)
pointRangeDonor (list of integers) – list of point indices of the donor zone ([imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax] for a structured point range)
pointListDonor (list of integers) – list of point indices of the donor zone (for unstructured grid)
transform (list of integers ([1,2,3], [-2,-1,-3]..)) – transformation of the orientation between local and donor zones
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridConnectivity1to1 (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newGridConnectivity1to1(name='Match', donorName='blk1', pointRange=[1,1,1,33,1,69], pointRangeDonor=[51,51,1,33,1,69], transform=[1,2,3]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Match',array('blk1',dtype='|S1'),[2 sons],'GridConnectivity1to1_t'] #>> |_['PointRange',array(shape=(3, 2),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] #>> |_['PointRangeDonor',array(shape=(3, 2),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'IndexRange_t'] #>> |_['Transform',array(shape=(3,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'"int[IndexDimension]"'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newZoneGridConnectivity(name='ZoneGridConnectivity') Internal.newGridConnectivity1to1(name='Match', donorName='blk1', pointRange=[1,1,1,33,1,69], pointRangeDonor=[51,51,1,33,1,69], transform=None, parent=d)
(name='Overlap', donorName=None, ctype='Overset', parent=None) Create a newGridConnectivity node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
donorName (string) – name of donor zone
ctype (string) – connectivity type (‘Overset’)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridConnectivity (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newGridConnectivity(name='Match', donorName='blk1', ctype='Abutting1to1'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Match',array('blk1',dtype='|S1'),[1 son],'GridConnectivity_t'] #>> |_['GridConnectivityType',array('Abutting1to1',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GridConnectivityType_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newZoneGridConnectivity(name='ZoneGridConnectivity') Internal.newGridConnectivity(name='Match', donorName='blk1', ctype='Abutting1to1', parent=d)
(ctype='Overset', parent=None) Create a newGridConnectivityType node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
ctype (string) – connectivity type (‘Overset’)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridConnectivityType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newGridConnectivityType(ctype='Abutting1to1'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['GridConnectivityType',array('Abutting1to1',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GridConnectivityType_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newGridConnectivity(name='Match', donorName='blk1', ctype=None) Internal.newGridConnectivityType(ctype='Abutting1to1', parent=d)
(parent=None) Create a newGridConnectivityProperty node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGridConnectivityProperty (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newGridConnectivityProperty(); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['GridConnectivityProperty',None,[0 son],'GridConnectivityProperty_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newGridConnectivity(name='Match', donorName='blk1', ctype='Abutting1to1') Internal.newGridConnectivityProperty(parent=d)
(rotationCenter=[0.,0.,0.], rotationAngle=[0.,0.,0.], translation=[0.,0.,0.], parent=None) Create a Periodic node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
rotationCenter (list of 3 floats) – coordinates of the rotation center
rotationAngle (list of 3 floats) – angles of rotation
translation (list of 3 floats) – translation vector
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newPeriodic (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newPeriodic(rotationCenter=[0.,0.,0.], rotationAngle=[0.,0.,0.], translation=[0.,0.,0.]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Periodic',None,[3 sons],'Periodic_t'] #>> |_['RotationCenter',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['RotationAngle',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['Translation',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newGridConnectivityProperty() Internal.newPeriodic(rotationCenter=[0.,0.,0.], rotationAngle=[0.,0.,0.], translation=[0.,0.,0.], parent=d)
(name='OversetHoles', pointRange=None, pointList=None, parent=None) Create a OversetHoles node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (list of 3 floats) – coordinates of the rotation center
pointRange (list of integers) – list of point indices ([imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax] for a structured point range)
pointList (list of integers) – list of point indices (for unstructured grid)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newOversetHoles (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newOversetHoles(name='OversetHoles', pointRange=None, pointList=None); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['OversetHoles',None,[0 son],'OversetHoles_t'] # Attach it to a parent node d = Internal.newZoneGridConnectivity(name='ZoneGridConnectivity') Internal.newOversetHoles(name='OversetHoles', pointList=[22,1036,101,43], parent=d)
(parent=None) Create a FlowEquationSet node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newFlowEquationSet (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newFlowEquationSet(); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['FlowEquationSet',None,[0 son],'FlowEquationSet_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newFlowEquationSet(parent=b)
(value='Euler', parent=None) Create a GoverningEquations node. value is the equation type in ‘FullPotential’, ‘Euler’, ‘NSLaminar’,’NSTurbulent’, ‘NSLaminarIncompressible’, ‘NSTurbulentIncompressible’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGoverningEquation (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newGoverningEquations(value='Euler'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['GoverningEquations',array('Euler',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GoverningEquations_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newGoverningEquations(value='NSTurbulent', parent=t)
(value='Ideal', parent=None) Create a GasModel node. value is the model type in ‘Ideal’, ‘VanderWaals’, ‘CaloricallyPerfect’, ‘ThermallyPerfect’, ‘ConstantDensity’, ‘RedlichKwong’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGasModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node z = Internal.newGasModel(value='Ideal'); Internal.printTree(z) #>> ['GasModel',array('Ideal',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GasModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newGasModel(value='Ideal', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a ThermalConductivityModel node. value is the model type in ‘ConstantPrandtl’, ‘PowerLaw’, ‘SutherlandLaw’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newThermalConductivityModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newThermalConductivityModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ThermalConductivityModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ThermalConductivityModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newThermalConductivityModel(value='SutherlandLaw', parent=t); Internal.printTree(t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a ViscosityModel node. value is the model type in ‘Constant’, ‘PowerLaw’, ‘SutherlandLaw’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newViscosityModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newViscosityModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ViscosityModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ViscosityModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newViscosityModel(value='SutherlandLaw', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a TurbulenceClosure node. value is the closure type in ‘EddyViscosity’, ‘ReynoldStress’, ‘ReynoldsStressAlgebraic’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newTurbulenceClosure (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newTurbulenceClosure(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['TurbulenceClosure',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'TurbulenceClosure_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newTurbulenceClosure(value='ReynoldsStress', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a TurbulenceModel node. value is the model type in ‘Algebraic_BaldwinLomax’, ‘Algebraic_CebeciSmith’, ‘HalfEquation_JohnsonKing’, ‘OneEquation_BaldwinBarth’, ‘OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras’, ‘TwoEquation_JonesLaunder’, ‘TwoEquation_MenterSST’, ‘TwoEquation_Wilcox’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newTurbulenceModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newTurbulenceModel(value='TwoEquation_MenterSST'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['TurbulenceModel',array('TwoEquation_MenterSST',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'TurbulenceModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newTurbulenceModel(value='OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a ThermalRelaxationModel node. value is the model type in ‘Frozen’, ‘ThermalEquilib’, ‘ThermalNonequilb’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newThermalRelaxationModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newThermalRelaxationModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ThermalRelaxationModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ThermalRelaxationModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newThermalRelaxationModel(value='ThermalNonequilib', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a ChemicalKineticsModel node. value is the model type in ‘Frozen’, ‘ChemicalEquilibCurveFit’, ‘ChemicalEquilibMinimization’, ‘ChemicalNonequilib’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newChemicalKineticsModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newChemicalKineticsModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ChemicalKineticsModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ChemicalKineticsModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newChemicalKineticsModel(value='ChemicalNonequilib', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a EMElectricFieldModel node. value is the model type in ‘Constant’, ‘Frozen’, ‘Interpolated’, ‘Voltage’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newEMElectricFieldModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newEMElectricFieldModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['EMElectricFieldModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'EMElectricFieldModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() n = Internal.newEMElectricFieldModel(value='Voltage', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a EMMagneticFieldModel node. value is the model type in ‘Constant’, ‘Frozen’, ‘Interpolated’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newEMMagneticFieldModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newEMMagneticFieldModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['EMMagneticFieldModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'EMMagneticFieldModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() z = Internal.newEMMagneticFieldModel(value='Interpolated', parent=t)
(value='Null', parent=None) Create a EMConductivityModel node. value is the model type in ‘Constant’, ‘Frozen’, ‘Equilibrium_LinRessler’, ‘Chemistry_LinRessler’. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newEMConductivityModel (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a zone node n = Internal.newEMConductivityModel(value='Null'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['EMConductivityModel',array('Null',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'EMConductivityModel_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newFlowEquationSet() z = Internal.newEMConductivityModel(value='Chemistry_LinRessler', parent=t)
(name='BaseIterativeData', parent=None) Create a BaseIterativeData node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newBaseIterativeData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a zone node n = Internal.newBaseIterativeData(name='BaseIterativeData', nsteps=100, itype='IterationValues'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['BaseIterativeData',array([100],dtype='int32'),[1 son],'BaseIterativeData_t'] #>> |_['IterationValues',array(shape=(100,),dtype='int32',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Create a node and attach it to parent t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newBaseIterativeData(name='BaseIterativeData', nsteps=100, itype='IterationValues', parent=b)
(name='ZoneIterativeData', parent=None) Create a ZoneIterativeData node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newZoneIterativeData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newZoneIterativeData(name='ZoneIterativeData'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ZoneIterativeData',None,[0 son],'ZoneIterativeData_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newZoneIterativeData(name='ZoneIterativeData', parent=z)
(name='Motion', origin=[0.,0.,0.], mtype='Null', parent=None) Create a RigidGridMotion node. mtype is the motion type (‘ConstantRate’, ‘VariableRate’). If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
origin (list of 3 floats) – coordinates of the origin point of the motion
mtype (string) – motion type
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newRigidGridMotion (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newRigidGridMotion(name='Motion', origin=[0.,0.,0.], mtype='ConstantRate'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Motion',None,[2 sons],'RigidGridMotion_t'] #>> |_['OriginLocation',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] #>> |_['RigidGridMotionType',array('ConstantRate',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'RigidGridMotionType_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newRigidGridMotion(name='Motion', origin=[0.,0.,0.], mtype='ConstantRate', parent=z)
(value='ConstantRate', parent=None) Create a RigidGridMotionType node. value is the motion type (‘ConstantRate’, ‘VariableRate’). If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newRigidGridMotionType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newRigidGridMotionType(value='ConstantRate'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['RigidGridMotionType',array('ConstantRate',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'RigidGridMotionType_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newRigidGridMotion(name='Motion', origin=[0.,0.,0.], mtype='Null') Internal.newRigidGridMotionType(value='ConstantRate', parent=z)
(name='ReferenceState', parent=None) Create a ReferenceState node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newReferenceState (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a ReferenceState node n = Internal.newReferenceState(name='ReferenceState'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ReferenceState',None,[0 son],'ReferenceState_t'] # Create a ReferenceState node and attach it to base t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newReferenceState(name='ReferenceState', parent=b); Internal.printTree(n)
(name='GlobalConvergenceHistory', value=0, parent=None) Create a ConvergenceHistory node. value is an iteration number. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
value (integer) – value of the node (iteration number)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newConvergenceHistory (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a ConvergenceHistory node n = Internal.newConvergenceHistory(name='ZoneConvergenceHistory', value=100); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['ZoneConvergenceHistory',array([100],dtype='int32'),[0 son],'ConvergenceHistory_t'] # Create a ConvergenceHistory node and attach it to base t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newConvergenceHistory(name='GlobalConvergenceHistory', value=100, parent=b)
(name='Family', parent=None) Create a zone Family node. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the family
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newFamily (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a Family node n = Internal.newFamily(name='Wing'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Wing',None,[0 son],'Family_t'] # Create a Family node and attach it to base t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newFamily(name='Wing', parent=b)
(value='UserDefined', parent=None) Create a FamilyBC node. value is a BC type string. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – BC type (‘BCWall’,’UserDefined’…)
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newFamilyBC (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a FamilyBC node n = Internal.newFamilyBC(value='BCWall'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['FamilyBC',array('BCWall',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'FamilyBC_t'] # Create a FamilyBC node and attach it to Family b = Internal.newFamily(name='FamInjection') n = Internal.newFamilyBC(value='UserDefined', parent=b)
(value='Null', file='MyCAD.iges', parent=None) Create a GeometryReference node. value is a type of CAD (‘NASA-IGES’, ‘SDRC’, ‘Unigraphics’, ‘ProEngineer’, ‘ICEM-CFD’). If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (string) – CAD type
file (string) – name of CAD file
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGeometryReference (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a GeometryReference node n = Internal.newGeometryReference(value='ICEM-CFD', file='MyCAD.tin'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['GeometryReference',None,[2 sons],'GeometryReference_t'] #>> |_['GeometryFormat',array('ICEM-CFD',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GeometryFormat_t'] #>> |_['GeometryFile',array('MyCAD.tin',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'GeometryFile_t'] # Create a GeometryReference node and attach it to a family b = Internal.newFamily(name='FamWall') n = Internal.newGeometryReference(value='NASA-IGES', file='MyCAD.iges', parent=b)
(name='Motion', value='Null', parent=None) Create a ArbitraryGridMotion node. value is the type of motion (‘NonDeformingGrid’, ‘DeformingGrid’). If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
value (string) – type of motion
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newArbitraryGridMotion (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a node n = Internal.newArbitraryGridMotion(name='Motion', value='DeformingGrid'); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Motion',None,[1 son],'ArbitraryGridMotion_t'] #>> |_['ArbitraryGridMotion',array('DeformingGrid',dtype='|S1'),[0 son],'ArbitraryGridMotionType_t'] # Attach it to a parent node z = Internal.newZone('Zone', zsize=[[10],[2],[0]], ztype='Structured') Internal.newArbitraryGridMotion(name='Motion', value='NonDeformingGrid', parent=z)
(name='UserDefined', value=None, parent=None) Create a UserDefinedData node to store user specific data. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
name (string) – name of the node
value (string) – value of the node
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newUserDefinedData (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a UserDefinedData node n = Internal.newUserDefinedData(name='UserDefined', value=None); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['UserDefined',None,[0 son],'UserDefinedData_t'] # Create a UserDefinedData node and attach it to a Family node (just an example) f = Internal.newFamily(name='FamInjection') n = Internal.newFamilyBC(value='BCInflow', parent=f) n = Internal.newUserDefinedData(name='.Solver#BC', value=None, parent=n)
(value=[0.,0.,9.81], parent=None) Create a Gravity node. value is the gravity vector. If parent is not None, attach it to parent node.
- Parameters
value (list of 3 floats) – gravity vector
parent (pyTree node) – optional parent node
- Returns
created node
- Return type
pyTree node
Example of use:
# - newGravity (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal # Create a gravity node n = Internal.newGravity(value=[0.,0.,9.81]); Internal.printTree(n) #>> ['Gravity',None,[1 son],'Gravity_t'] #>> |_['GravityVector',array(shape=(3,),dtype='float64',order='F'),[0 son],'DataArray_t'] # Create a Gravity node and attach it to base t = Internal.newCGNSTree() b = Internal.newCGNSBase('Base', 3, 3, parent=t) n = Internal.newGravity(value=[0.,0.,9.81], parent=b)