Initiator: solution Initialization Module
Initiator module works on arrays (as defined in Converter) or on CGNS/python trees (pyTrees) containing grid information (coordinates must be defined).
This module is part of Cassiopee, a free open-source pre- and post-processor for CFD simulations.
For use with the array interface, you have to import Initiator module:
import Initiator as I
For use with the pyTree interface:
import Initiator.PyTree as I
List of functions
– CFD field initialisations
Init a by a constant field. |
Init a with a Lamb vortex of intensity Gamma and position (x0,y0). |
Init a with a Visbal vortex of intensity Gamma and position (x0,y0). |
Init a with a Scully vortex of intensity Gamma, core radius coreRadius and position (x0,y0). |
Init a with a Yee vortex of intensity Gamma and position (x0,y0). |
Overlay the field of a1 and a2. |
– Adimensioning
Return a state corresponding to adimensioning by density, sound speed and temperature. |
Return a state corresponding to adimensioning by density, velocity and temperature. |
Return a state corresponding to adimensioning by density, sound speed and temperature. |
Return a dimensioned state specifying velocity, temperature and pressure. |
Return a dimensioned state specifying velocity, temperature and density. |
Return a dimensioned state specifying velocity, pressure and density. |
CFD field initialisations
The input data defines a grid or a set of grids on which the solution has to be initialized.
The created field variables are the variables defined in the input data. If the five conservative variables are not present, then the default output variables are the coordinates and the conservative variables.
(a, adim='adim1', MInf=None, alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., ReInf=1.e8, loc='nodes') Initialization by a constant field, given Mach number, incident flow angles and Reynolds number.
Exists also as in place version (_initConst) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – input data
adim (string) – Name of adim (‘adim1’, ‘adim2’, ‘dim1’, …) - see Adimensioning section
MInf (float) – freestream Mach number
alphaZ (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Z) axe (in degrees)
alphaY (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Y) axe (in degrees)
ReInf (float) – Reynolds Number
loc (string) – created field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - initConst (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Initiator as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initConst(a, MInf=0.8) C.convertArrays2File([a], 'out.plt')
# - initConst (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initConst(a, MInf=0.8, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(a, (x0, y0), Gamma=2., MInf=0.5, loc='nodes') Initialization of conservative variables by a 2D Lamb vortex at position (x0,y0), intensity Gamma and infinite Mach number MInf.
Exists also as in place version (_initLamb) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – Input data
Gamma (float) – Intensity of vortex
MInf (float) – Mach number
loc – created field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - initLamb (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Initiator as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initLamb(a, position=(25.,25.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8) C.convertArrays2File(a, 'out.plt')
# - initLamb (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(a, "out.cgns")
(a, (x0, y0), Gamma=2., MInf=0.5, loc='nodes') Initialization of conservative variables by a 2D Visbal vortex at position (x0,y0), intensity Gamma and infinite Mach number MInf.
Exists also as in place version (_initVisbal) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – Input data
Gamma (float) – Intensity of vortex
MInf (float) – Mach number
loc – field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - initVisbal (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Initiator as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart( (0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initVisbal(a,position=(25.,25.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8) C.convertArrays2File([a], 'out.plt')
# - initVisbal (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) MachInf = 0.8 a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) z = I.initVisbal(a, (3.,3.), 2., MachInf, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(z, 'out.cgns')
(a, (x0, y0), Gamma=2., coreRadius=1., MInf=0.5, loc='nodes') Initialization of conservative variables by a 2D Scully vortex at position (x0,y0), intensity Gamma and infinite Mach number MInf.
Exists also as in place version (_initScully) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – Input data
Gamma (float) – Intensity of vortex
coreRadius (float) – radius of vortex core
MInf (float) – Mach number
loc – field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - initScully (array) - import Generator as G import Converter as C import Initiator as I NI = 200; NJ = 200 HI = 1./(NI-1); HJ = 1./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initScully(a, (0.5,0.5), -0.2, 0.05, 0.8, 0) C.convertArrays2File([a], "out.plt")
# - initScully (pyTree) - import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.PyTree as C import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 200; NJ = 200 HI = 1./(NI-1); HJ = 1./(NJ-1) a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initScully(a, (0.5,0.5), -0.2, 0.05, 0.8, 0, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(a, (x0, y0), Gamma=2., MInf=0.5, loc='nodes') Initialization of conservative variables by a 2D Yee vortex at position (x0,y0), intensity Gamma and infinite Mach number MInf.
Exists also as in place version (_initYee) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – Input data
Gamma (float) – Intensity of vortex
MInf (float) – Mach number
loc – field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - initYee (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Initiator as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) a = G.cart( (0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) a = I.initYee(a, position=(25.,25.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8) C.convertArrays2File([a], 'out.plt')
# - initYee (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) MachInf = 0.8 a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) z = I.initYee(a, (3.,3.), 2., MachInf, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(z, 'out.cgns')
(a, b, MInf=0.5, loc='nodes') Overlay the field of two solutions defined on the same grid (defined in a and b). Only density, velocity and energy stagnation density are overlaid. Both fields must use the same adimensioning, which corresponds to the same infinite Mach number MInf.
Exists also as in place version (_overlayField) that modifies a and returns None.
- Parameters
a ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – First input data
b ([array, list of arrays] or [pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – Second input data
MInf (float) – Mach number
loc – field localisation (‘nodes’ or ‘centers’) - only for pyTree interface
- Return type
Identical to a
Example of use:
# - overlayField (array) - import Converter as C import Generator as G import Initiator as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) MachInf = 0.8 a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) ac = I.initVisbal(a, (3.,3.), 2., MachInf) ac2 = I.initVisbal(a, (20.,3.), 2., MachInf) an = I.overlayField(ac, ac2, MachInf) C.convertArrays2File([an], "out.plt")
# - overlayField (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I NI = 100; NJ = 100 HI = 50./(NI-1); HJ = 50./(NJ-1) MachInf = 0.8 a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (HI,HJ,1.), (NI,NJ,2)) z1 = I.initVisbal(a, (3.,3.), 2., MachInf, loc='centers'); z1[0]='cart1' z2 = I.initVisbal(a, (20.,3.), 2., MachInf, loc='centers'); z2[0]='cart2' zn = I.overlayField(z1, z2, MachInf, loc='centers') C.convertPyTree2File(zn, 'out.cgns')
(MInf=0.5, alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., ReInf=1.e8, MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4, Mtip=None) Return a reference state corresponding to an adimensioning by density, sound speed and temperature. Returned state is adimensioned. When using this state, the mesh must also be adimensioned.
- Parameters
MInf (float) – Mach number
alphaZ (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Z) axe (in degrees)
alphaY (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Y) axe (in degrees)
ReInf (float) – Reynolds Number
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
Mtip (float or None) – if not None, used as speed definition for viscous and turbulent values
- Returns
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
- Return type
Example of use:
# - adim1 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.adim1(MInf=0.8, alphaZ=1., ReInf=1.e6); print(state) #>> [1.0, 0.799878156125113, 0.01396192514982681, 0.0, 2.1057142857142863, #>> 0.7142857142857143, 1.0, 1.7857142857142863, 0.8, 1000000.0, #>> 0.3831337844872463, 1.4, 8e-09, 0.049999999999999996, #>> 1.6000000000000003e-07, 8.000000000000001e-07, 0.3831337844872463, 1.0, 0.70951]
New in version 2.5
(MInf=0.5, alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., ReInf=1.e8, MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4) Return a reference state corresponding to an adimensioning by density, fluid velocity and temperature. Returned state is adimensioned. When using this state, the mesh must also be adimensioned.
- Parameters
MInf (float) – Mach number
alphaZ (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Z) axe (in degrees)
alphaY (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Y) axe (in degrees)
ReInf (float) – Reynolds Number
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
- Return type
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
Example of use:
# - adim2 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.adim2(MInf=0.8, alphaZ=1., ReInf=1.e6); print(state) #>> [1.0, 0.9998476951563913, 0.01745240643728351, 0.0, 3.290178571428572, #>> 1.1160714285714286, 1.0, 2.790178571428572, 0.8, 1000000.0, #>> 0.3831337844872463, 1.4, 1e-08, 0.05, 2e-07, 1e-06, 0.3831337844872463, #>> 1.0, 0.70951]
New in version 2.5
(MInf=0.5, alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., ReInf=1.e8, LInf=1., MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4, Mtip=None) Return a reference state corresponding to an adimensioning by density, sound speed and temperature. Returned state is adimensioned. When using this state, the mesh doesn’t need to be adimensioned and has a characteritic length of LInf.
- Parameters
MInf (float) – Mach number
alphaZ (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Z) axe (in degrees)
alphaY (float) – Angle with respect to (0,Y) axe (in degrees)
ReInf (float) – Reynolds Number
LInf (float) – Characteristic length of mesh (on which ReInf is based)
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
Mtip (float or None) – if not None, used as speed definition for viscous and turbulent values
- Return type
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
Example of use:
# - adim3 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.adim3(MInf=0.8, alphaZ=1., LInf=2.5, ReInf=1.e6); print(state) #>> [1.0, 0.799878156125113, 0.01396192514982681, 0.0, 2.1057142857142863, #>> 0.7142857142857143, 1.0, 1.7857142857142863, 0.8, 1000000.0, #>> 0.3831337844872463, 1.4, 8e-09, 0.02, 4e-07, 2e-06, 0.3831337844872463, #>> 1.0, 0.70951]
New in version 2.5
(UInf=2.7777, TInf=298.15, PInf=101325., LInf=1., alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4, Mtip=None) Return a dimensioned reference state corresponding to dry air, considered as a perfect gaz. Returned a dimensioned state (USI).
- Parameters
UInf (float) – Fluid velocity in m/s
TInf (float) – Temperature in K (0 degree=273.15K)
PInf (float) – Pressure in Pa
LInf (float) – Reference length (m). Usefull to compute Reynolds.
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
Mtip (float or None) – if not None, used as speed definition for viscous and turbulent values
- Return type
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
Example of use:
# - dim1 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.dim1(UInf=2.8, TInf=298., PInf=101325, LInf=12., alphaZ=1.); print(state) #>> [1.1845087092749074, 3.3161192480113266, 0.05788307678374978, 0.0, #>> 253317.14327414043, 101325, 298.0, 717.6325, 0.00809104909572454, #>> 2167112.2969719185, 110.4, 1.4, 3.316624385969741e-08, 0.009029634570716328, #>> 3.673043864616362e-06, 1.78938e-05, 110.4, 288.15, 0.7084595175093612]
New in version 2.5
(UInf=2.7777, TInf=298.15, RoInf=1.225, LInf=1., alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4, Mtip=None) Return a dimensioned reference state corresponding to dry air, considered as a perfect gaz. Only the input is different from dim1. Returned a dimensioned state (USI).
- Parameters
UInf (float) – Fluid velocity in m/s
TInf (float) – Temperature in K (0 degree=273.15K)
RoInf (float) – Input density (kg/m3)
LInf (float) – Reference length (m). Usefull to compute Reynolds.
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
Mtip (float or None) – if not None, used as speed definition for viscous and turbulent values
- Return type
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
Example of use:
# - dim2 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.dim2(UInf=2.8, TInf=298., RoInf=1.2, LInf=12., alphaZ=1.); print(state) #>> [1.2, 3.3594882557254744, 0.058640085629272594, 0.0, 256630.08600000004, #>> 102650.1528, 298.0, 717.6325000000002, 0.00809104909572454, #>> 2195454.314521849, 110.4, 1.4, 3.3599999999999996e-08, 0.009147726310507706, #>> 3.673043864616362e-06, 1.78938e-05, 110.4, 288.15, 0.7084595175093613]
New in version 2.5
(UInf=2.7777, PInf=101325., RoInf=1.225, LInf=1., alphaZ=0., alphaY=0., MutSMuInf=0.2, TurbLevelInf=1.e-4, Mtip=None) Return a dimensioned reference state corresponding to dry air, considered as a perfect gaz. Only the input is different from dim1. Returned a dimensioned state (USI).
- Parameters
UInf (float) – Fluid velocity in m/s
PInf (float) – Pressure in Pa
RoInf (float) – Input density (kg/m3)
LInf (float) – Reference length (m). Usefull to compute Reynolds.
MutSMuInf (float) – ratio of mut/mu (turbulence viscosity/molecular viscosity) at infinity
TurbLevelInf – turbulence level at infinity
Mtip (float or None) – if not None, used as speed definition for viscous and turbulent values
- Return type
[RoInf, RouInf, RovInf, RowInf, RoEInf, PInf, TInf, cvInf, MInf, ReInf, Cs, Gamma, RokInf, RoomegaInf, RonutildeInf, Mus, Cs, Ts, Pr]
Example of use:
# - dim3 - import Initiator.Adim as Adim state = Adim.dim3(UInf=2.8, PInf=101325., RoInf=1.2, LInf=12., alphaZ=1.); print(state) #>> [1.1999999999999997, 3.3594882557254735, 0.05864008562927258, 0.0, #>> 253317.20400000006, 101325.0, 294.152996136602, 717.6325000000002, #>> 0.0081437855769486, 2217576.314799729, 110.4, 1.4, 3.359999999999999e-08, #>> 0.009239901311665535, 3.6364024751627385e-06, 1.78938e-05, 110.4, #>> 288.15, 0.7094696135544664]
New in version 2.5