IBM: Specific geometry modifications for IBMs
Specific geometry modification functions for immersed boundaries.
These functions require a geometry tree “tb” or a connectivity tree “tc”.
Notes on IBCTypes
Table outlining the various IBCs currently supported. Please note that the “Name” are case sensitive (e.g. Slip is not supported)
IBC Type |
Name |
Integer Identifier |
Wall slip |
slip |
0 |
Wall no slip |
noslip |
1 |
Wall model: Logarithmic |
Log |
2 |
Wall model: Musker |
Musker |
3 |
Outflow pressure |
outpress |
4 |
Injection |
inj |
5 |
Wall model: Turbulent Boundary Layer Equation (TBLE) |
6 |
Wall model: Mobile Musker |
MuskerMob |
7 |
Wall model: Pohlhausen |
Pohlhausen |
8 |
Wall model: Thwaites |
Thwaites |
9 |
Wall model: Mafzal |
Mafzal |
10 |
Wall model: Full TBLE |
11 |
Wall no slip with curvature radius |
slip_cr |
100 |
List of functions
– Setting Snear & Dfar
Set the value of snear in a geometry tree. |
Set the value of dfar in a geometry tree. |
Multiply the value of snear in a geometry tree by a sfactor. |
– Setting IBC Type
Set the IBC type in a geometry tree. |
Change the IBC type in a connectivity tree from oldIBCType to newIBCType. |
Set the value of static pressure P_static for the outflow pressure IBC with family name familyName. |
Set the total pressure P_tot, total enthalpy H_tot, and direction of the flow injDir for the injection IBC with family name familyName. |
Set fluid inside a geometry tree. |
Note that all the functions have an in-place version, modifying directly the data without copy. The function names must be prefixed by an ‘_’ (e.g. _setSnear for the in-place version of setSnear)
Setting Snear & Dfar
(tb, snear) Set the snear for a geometry defined by tb. Exists also as in-place (_setSnear). Snear is the local Cartesian spacing close to cells intersected by the immersed boundary.
- Parameters
tb ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – geometry tree
snear (float) – snear value
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - setSnear (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D a =,0,0), 1. , 0., 360.) D_IBM._setSnear(a,0.01) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tb, dfar) Set the dfar for a geometry defined by tb. Exists also as in-place (_setDfar). Dfar is the distance from the center of the bounding box of the immersed boundary to the edge of the domain.
- Parameters
tb ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – geometry tree
dfar (float) – dfar value
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - setDfar (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D a =,0,0), 1. , 0., 360.) a = D_IBM.setDfar(a, 10) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tb, sfactor) Multiply the snears in the geometry defined by tb by a factor. Exists also as in-place (_snearFactor).
- Parameters
tb ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – geometry tree
sfactor (float) – multiplying factor
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - snearFactor (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D a =,0,0), 1. , 0., 360.) D_IBM._setSnear(a, 0.01) D_IBM._snearFactor(a, 2) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
Setting IBC Type
(tb, ibctype) Set the type of IBC for the geometry defined by tb. Exists also as in-place (_setIBCType). See the table in “Notes on IBCTypes” for the IBCs currently supported.
- Parameters
tb ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – geometry tree
ibctype (string) – name of the type of IBC
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - setIBCType (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D a =,0,0), 1. , 0., 360.) D_IBM._setIBCType(a, "Musker") C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tc, oldBCType, newBCType) Change the IBC type in a connectivity tree. Exists also as in-place (_changeIBCType). Please refer to the table in “Notes on IBCTypes” for details on the integer identifies for the various IBC types.
- Parameters
tc ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – connectivity tree
oldBCType (integer) – type of ibc
newBCType (integer) – type of ibc
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - changeIBCType (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_2_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['Pressure', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Density', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityX', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityY', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityZ', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) a = D_IBM.changeIBCType(a,2,3) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tb) Define the fluid inside a surface defined by tb. In that case, the IBM mesh will be defined inside tb. Exists also as in-place (_setFluidInside).
- Parameters
tb ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – geometry tree
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - setFluidInsides (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D # Geometry a =,0,0), 1. , 0., 360.) D_IBM._setFluidInside(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tc, familyName, P_static) Set the value of the static pressure P_static for the outflow pressure IBC with family name familyName. Exists also as in-place (_initOutflow).
- Parameters
tc ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – connectivity tree
familyName (string) – familyName
P_static (float) – static pressure
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - initOutflow (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_4_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['Pressure', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) Internal._createChild(zsr, 'FamilyName', 'FamilyName_t', value='CART_LOCAL') a=D_IBM.initOutflow(a,'CART_LOCAL',101325) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
(tc, familyName, P_tot, H_tot, injDir=[1.,0.,0.]) Set the total pressure P_tot, total enthalpy H_tot, and direction of the flow injDir for the injection IBC with family name familyName. Exists also as in-place (_initInj).
- Parameters
tc ([zone, list of zones, tree]) – connectivity tree
familyName (string) – familyName
P_tot (float) – total pressure
H_tot (float) – total enthalpy
injDir (float list) – direction of the injection w.r.t to the reference coordinate axis
- Returns
same as input
Example of use:
# - initInj (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.IBM as D_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_5_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['StagnationEnthalpy', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['StagnationPressure', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['dirx', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['diry', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['dirz', Nlength, [], 'DataArray_t']) Internal._createChild(zsr, 'FamilyName', 'FamilyName_t', value='CART_LOCAL') a=D_IBM.initInj(a,'CART_LOCAL',10,20,injDir=[0.5,0.5,0.]) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')