ExtraVariables2: derived fields from primitive variables
This module compute derived fields from primitive variables.
List of functions
– Volume fields
Create a mirror tree with less vars. |
Compute vorticity from velocity in centers. |
Compute vorticity magnitude from velocity in centers. |
Compute Q criterion from velocity in centers. |
Compute lambda2 criterion from velocity in centers. |
Compute log(grad field) for field in centers. |
Extract Pressure. |
Extract velocity magnitude. |
Extract Mach. |
Extract Viscosity molecular. |
Extract eddy viscosity. |
– Surface fields
Extract shearStress. |
Extract tau.n. |
Extract p.n. |
Extract forces. |
Extract tangential friction vector. |
Extract friction magnitude. |
- – 1D profiles
Volume fields
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractTree(t, vars=['centers:Density', 'centers:VelocityX', 'centers:VelocityY', 'centers:VelocityZ', 'centers:Temperature', 'centers:TurbulentSANuTilde'])
Keep only some variables from tree. This is just a reference tree (no extra memory is used).
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
vars (list of strings) – list of vars to keep in returned tree
- Returns:
tree with selected variables
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractTree (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) tp = PE.extractTree(a, vars=['centers:Temperature']) C.convertPyTree2File(tp, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.computeVorticity2(t, ghostCells=False)
Compute vorticity on t from Velocity field in centers. If t contains ghost cells, set argument to True. Exists also as in place function (_computeVoriticity2) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
ghostCells (boolean) – must be true if t contains ghost cells
- Returns:
tree with “VorticityX,”VorticityY”,”VorticityZ” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - computeVorticity2 (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._computeVorticity2(a, ghostCells=True) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.computeVorticityMagnitude2(t, ghostCells=False)
Compute vorticity magnitude on t from Velocity field in centers. If t contains ghost cells, set argument to True. Exists also as in place function (_computeVoriticityMagnitude2) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
ghostCells (boolean) – must be true if t contains ghost cells
- Returns:
tree with “VorticityMagnitude” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - computeVorticityMagnitude2 (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._computeVorticityMagnitude2(a, ghostCells=True) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.computeQCriterion2(t, ghostCells=False)
Compute Q criterion on t from Velocity field in centers. If t contains ghost cells, set argument to True. Exists also as in place function (_computeQCriterion2) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
ghostCells (boolean) – must be true if t contains ghost cells
- Returns:
tree with “QCriterion” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - computeQCriterion2 (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._computeQCriterion2(a, ghostCells=True) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.computeLambda2(t, ghostCells=False)
Compute lambda2 on t from Velocity field in centers. If t contains ghost cells, set argument to True. Exists also as in place function (_computeLambda2) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
ghostCells (boolean) – must be true if t contains ghost cells
- Returns:
tree with “lambda2” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - computeLambda2 (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._computeLambda2(a, ghostCells=True) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.computeLogGradField2(t, name, ghostCells=False)
Compute log(grad field) on t from field in centers. If t contains ghost cells, set argument to True. Exists also as in place function (_computeLogGradField2) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
name (string) – name of field
ghostCells (boolean) – must be true if t contains ghost cells
- Returns:
tree with “LogGrad”+name in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - computeLogGradField2 (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._computeLogGradField2(a, 'centers:Density', ghostCells=True) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractPressure(t)
Compute Pressure on t from Temperature and Density field in centers with P = ro r T. The tree t must have a ReferenceState node. Cv and Gamma are taken from ReferenceState and r = Cv * (Gamma-1). Exists also as in place function (_extractPressure) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “Pressure” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractPressure (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._extractPressure(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractVelocityMagnitude(t)
Compute velocity magnitude on t from Velocity field in centers. Exists also as in place function (_extractVelocityMagnitude) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “VelocityMagnitude” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractVelocityMagnitude (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._extractVelocityMagnitude(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractMach(t)
Compute Mach on t from Velocity, Temperature and Density field in centers with M = u/sqrt(gamma p/ro) and p = ro r T. The tree t must have a ReferenceState node. Cv and Gamma are taken from ReferenceState and r = Cv * (Gamma-1). Exists also as in place function (_extractMach) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “Mach” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractMach (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._extractMach(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractViscosityMolecular(t)
Compute ViscosityMolecular on t from Temperature field in centers with Sutherland law. The tree t must have a ReferenceState node. Cs, Mus, Ts are taken from ReferenceState. Exists also as in place function (_extractViscosityMolecular) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “ViscosityMolecular” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractViscosityMolecular (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._extractViscosityMolecular(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractViscosityEddy(t)
Compute ViscosityEddy on t from TurbulentSANuTilde, ViscosityMolecular and Density field in centers with kappa = ro * nutilde / mu and mut = ro * nutilde * kappa^3 / (kappa^3 + 7.1^3). Exists also as in place function (_extractViscosityEddy) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
t ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “ViscosityEddy” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractViscosityEddy (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Initiator.PyTree as I import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,2)) I._initLamb(a, position=(7.,7.), Gamma=2., MInf=0.8, loc='centers') I._cons2Prim(a) PE._extractViscosityEddy(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
Surface fields
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractShearStress(teff)
Compute ShearStress on teff from ViscosityMolecular and gradxVelocityX,… in centers. Exists also as in place function (_extractShearStress) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “ShearStressXX,XY,XZ,YY,YZ,ZZ” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractShearStress (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['ViscosityMolecular', 'gradxVelocityX', 'gradxVelocityY','gradxVelocityZ', 'gradyVelocityX','gradyVelocityY','gradyVelocityZ', 'gradzVelocityX','gradzVelocityY','gradzVelocityZ']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractShearStress(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractTaun(teff)
Compute tau.n on teff from ShearStress in centers. Exists also as in place function (_extractTaun) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “taunx,y,z” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractTaun (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['ViscosityMolecular', 'gradxVelocityX', 'gradxVelocityY','gradxVelocityZ', 'gradyVelocityX','gradyVelocityY','gradyVelocityZ', 'gradzVelocityX','gradzVelocityY','gradzVelocityZ']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractShearStress(a) PE._extractTaun(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractPn(teff)
Compute P.n on teff from Pressure in centers. Exists also as in place function (_extractPn) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “Pnx,y,z” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractPn (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['Pressure']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractPn(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractForce(teff, withPInf=None)
Compute the force field on teff from Pressure and ShearStress in centers. If withPinf is None: F = -p.n + tau.n Else: F = -(p-pinf).n + tau.n Exists also as in place function (_extractForce) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
withPinf (None or float) – None or infinite field pressure
- Returns:
tree with “Fx,y,z” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractShearStress (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['ViscosityMolecular', 'Pressure', 'gradxVelocityX', 'gradxVelocityY','gradxVelocityZ', 'gradyVelocityX','gradyVelocityY','gradyVelocityZ', 'gradzVelocityX','gradzVelocityY','gradzVelocityZ']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractShearStress(a) PE._extractForce(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractFrictionVector(teff)
Compute the friciton vector on teff from ShearStress in centers with taut = tau.n - (n. tau.n) n. Exists also as in place function (_extractFrictionVector) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “FrictionX,FrictionY,FrictionZ” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractFrictionVector (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['ViscosityMolecular', 'Pressure', 'gradxVelocityX', 'gradxVelocityY','gradxVelocityZ', 'gradyVelocityX','gradyVelocityY','gradyVelocityZ', 'gradzVelocityX','gradzVelocityY','gradzVelocityZ']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractShearStress(a) PE._extractFrictionVector(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')
- Post.ExtraVariables2.extractFrictionMagnitude(teff)
Compute the friciton vector magnitude on teff from ShearStress in centers with norm of taut = tau.n - (n. tau.n) n. Exists also as in place function (_extractFrictionMagnitude) that modifies t and returns None.
- Parameters:
teff ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – input tree
- Returns:
tree with “FrictionMagnitude” in centers
- Return type:
identical to input
Example of use:
# - extractFrictionMagnitude (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Post.ExtraVariables2 as PE a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (13./100.,13./100.,1.), (100,100,1)) for n in ['ViscosityMolecular', 'Pressure', 'gradxVelocityX', 'gradxVelocityY','gradxVelocityZ', 'gradyVelocityX','gradyVelocityY','gradyVelocityZ', 'gradzVelocityX','gradzVelocityY','gradzVelocityZ']: C._initVars(a, '{centers:%s} = 1.'%n) PE._extractShearStress(a) PE._extractFrictionMagnitude(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a, 'out.cgns')