Post.IBM: immersed boundary method specific post-processing
Specific post-processing for immersed boundaries (IB).
These functions work with a solution tree “t”, a geometry tree “tb”, and/or a connectivity tree “tc”.
List of functions
– Post-processing for IB
Extracts the flow field stored at IBM points onto the surface. |
Computes the shear stress on the surface. |
Computes the pressure gradients in the wall normal/tangent direction. |
Computes yplus values at image points and store them in the tc. |
Extrapolates the wall pressure (1st order) at the immersed boundaries and stores the solution in the tc. |
Extrapolates the wall pressure (2nd order) at the immersed boundaries and stores the solution in the tc. |
Computes the convective terms required for the thin boundary layers equations (TBLE) and stores them in the tc. |
Computes additional variables required for the IBM post-processing. |
Computes the viscous and pressure forces on the immersed boundaries |
- Post.IBM.extractIBMWallFields(tc, tb=None, coordRef='wall', famZones=[], IBCNames='IBCD_*', extractIBMInfo=False)
Projects the solution computed and stored at IBM points onto the vertices of the surface.
If tb is None, returns the cloud of IBM points. Else, the solution is projected onto the bodies, using a third-order accurate Moving Least Squares interpolation.
Returns density, pressure, utau, yplus, velocity components. (Optional: yplus at image points, pressure gradients, curvature coefficient, temperature)
- Parameters:
tc ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – connectivity tree
tb ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – surface mesh (TRI-type)
coordRef ('wall','target' or 'image') – reference coordinates for the cloud of IBM points (default is IBM wall points)
famZones (list of family names) – list of IBC families to be projected
extractIBMInfo (boolean) – if True, extracts all IBM point coordinates (wall, target and image points)
- Returns:
surface tree with the flow solution (density, pressure, friction velocity, yplus)
Example of use:
# - extractionIBM a la paroi (pyTree) - import Converter.PyTree as C import Post.IBM as P_IBM import Geom.PyTree as D import Generator.PyTree as G import Converter.Internal as Internal import numpy import KCore.test as test a = D.sphere((0,0,0),1,N=20); a=C.convertArray2Tetra(a); a = G.close(a) ts = C.newPyTree(["Base",a]) C._addState(ts, 'EquationDimension',3) C._addState(ts, 'GoverningEquations', 'Euler') x0 = -2; N = 41; h = 2*abs(x0)/(N-1) z = G.cart((x0,x0,x0),(h,h,h),(N,N,N)) zname = Internal.getName(z) zsr = Internal.createNode('IBCD_'+zname, 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=zname) Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') # mimic the IBM wall pt info a2 = D.sphere((0,0,0),1, N=30); a2 = C.convertArray2Tetra(a2); a2 = G.close(a2) GC = Internal.getNodeFromType(a2,"GridCoordinates_t") FSN = Internal.getNodeFromType(a2,'FlowSolution_t') nIBC = Internal.getZoneDim(a2)[1] XP = numpy.zeros((nIBC),numpy.float64) XN = Internal.getNodeFromName(GC,'CoordinateX')[1]; XP[:]=XN[:] YP = numpy.zeros((nIBC),numpy.float64) YN = Internal.getNodeFromName(GC,'CoordinateY')[1]; YP[:]=YN[:] ZP = numpy.zeros((nIBC),numpy.float64) ZN = Internal.getNodeFromName(GC,'CoordinateZ')[1]; ZP[:]=ZN[:] DENS = numpy.ones((nIBC),numpy.float64) DENS[:]=XP[:]*YP[:]*ZP[:] PRESS = 101325*numpy.ones((nIBC),numpy.float64) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PW', XP, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PW', YP, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PW', ZP, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Pressure', PRESS, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Density', DENS, [], 'DataArray_t']) z[2].append(zsr) tc = C.newPyTree(['CART']); tc[2][1][2].append(z) z = P_IBM.extractIBMWallFields(tc, tb=ts, loc='nodes') C._initVars(z,'{Density0}={CoordinateX}*{CoordinateY}*{CoordinateZ}') C.convertPyTree2File(z,"out.cgns")
- Post.IBM.extractShearStress(tb)
Computes the shear stress on the immersed boundary surface using utau values. Exists also as in-place (_extractShearStress).
- Parameters:
tb ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – surface mesh (TRI-type) with density, velocity, utau variable
- Returns:
surface tree with the shear stress variables located at the cell centers (“ShearStressXX”, “ShearStressYY”, “ShearStressZZ”, “ShearStressXY”, “ShearStressXZ”, “ShearStressYZ”)
Example of use:
- Post.IBM.extractLocalPressureGradients(tb)
Computes the pressure gradients in the wall normal/tangent direction. Exists also as in-place (_extractLocalPressureGradients).
- Parameters:
tb ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – surface mesh (TRI-type) with pressure gradients in x, y and z directions
- Returns:
surface tree with the normal and tangential pressure gradient variables located at the cell centers (“gradtP” and “gradnP”)
Example of use:
- Post.IBM.extractYplusIP(tc)
Computes yplus values at image points and stores them in the tc. Exists also as in-place (_extractYplusIP).
These new yplus values require yplus information located at target points as well as all IBM point coordinates (wall, target and image points)
- Parameters:
tc ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – connectivity tree
- Returns:
same as input with yplusIP field in each IBCD zone.
Example of use:
- Post.IBM.extractPressureHO(tc, extractDensity=False)
Extrapolates the wall pressure (1st order) at the immersed boundaries and stores the solution in the tc. Exists also as in-place (_extractPressureHO).
Requires pressure gradient information in the x, y and z directions.
- Parameters:
tc ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – connectivity tree
extractDensity (boolean) – if True, modifies the density solution using perfect gas law and the updated pressure solution
- Returns:
same as input with updated pressure solution in each IBCD zone.
Example of use:
# - extractPressureHO (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.PyTree as D import KCore.test as test import Post.IBM as P_IBM import copy import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_2_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['Pressure', Nlength+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Density' , copy.copy(Nlength)+1, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) a=P_IBM.extractPressureHO(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a,'out.cgns')
- Post.IBM.extractPressureHO2(tc, extractDensity=False)
Extrapolates the wall pressure (2nd order) at the immersed boundaries and stores the solution in the tc. Exists also as in-place (_extractPressureHO2).
Requires first and second order pressure gradient information in the x, y and z directions.
- Parameters:
tc ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – connectivity tree
extractDensity (boolean) – if True, modifies the density solution using perfect gas law and the updated pressure solution
- Returns:
same as input with updated pressure solution in each IBCD zone.
Example of use:
# - extractPressureHO2 (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.PyTree as D import KCore.test as test import Post.IBM as P_IBM import copy import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_2_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['Pressure', Nlength+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Density' , copy.copy(Nlength)+1, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) a=P_IBM.extractPressureHO2(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a,'out.cgns')
- Post.IBM.extractConvectiveTerms(tc)
Computes the convective terms required for the thin boundary layers equations (TBLE) and stores them in the tc.
Requires velocity gradient information in the x, y and z directions.
- Parameters:
tc ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – connectivity tree
- Returns:
same as input with convective terms in each IBCD zone (conv1: u*(du/dx) and conv2: v*(du/dy)).
Example of use:
# - extractConvectiveTerms (pyTree) - import Converter.Internal as Internal import Converter.PyTree as C import Generator.PyTree as G import Geom.PyTree as D import KCore.test as test import Post.IBM as P_IBM import copy import numpy a = G.cart((0.,0.,0.), (0.1,0.1,0.2), (10,11,12)) a = C.node2Center(a) for z in Internal.getZones(a): Internal._createChild(z, 'IBCD_2_'+z[0] , 'ZoneSubRegion_t', value=z[0]) Nlength = numpy.zeros((10),numpy.float64) for z in Internal.getZones(a): subRegions = Internal.getNodesFromType1(z, 'ZoneSubRegion_t') for zsr in subRegions: Internal._createChild(zsr, 'ZoneRole', 'DataArray_t', value='Donor') Internal._createChild(zsr, 'GridLocation', 'GridLocation_t', value='CellCenter') zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PW', copy.copy(Nlength), [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PC', copy.copy(Nlength)+14, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateX_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateY_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['CoordinateZ_PI', copy.copy(Nlength)+15, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Pressure', Nlength+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['Density' , copy.copy(Nlength)+1, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzPressure', copy.copy(Nlength)+2, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxVelocityX', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyVelocityX', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzVelocityX', copy.copy(Nlength)+3, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxVelocityY', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyVelocityY', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzVelocityY', copy.copy(Nlength)+4, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradxVelocityZ', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradyVelocityZ', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['gradzVelocityZ', copy.copy(Nlength)+5, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityX', copy.copy(Nlength)+6, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityY', copy.copy(Nlength)+7, [], 'DataArray_t']) zsr[2].append(['VelocityZ', copy.copy(Nlength)+8, [], 'DataArray_t']) a=P_IBM.extractConvectiveTerms(a) C.convertPyTree2File(a,'out.cgns')
- Post.IBM.computeExtraVariables(tb, PInf, QInf, variables=['Cp', 'Cf', 'frictionX', 'frictionY', 'frictionZ', 'frictionMagnitude', 'ShearStress'])
Computes additional variables required for the IBM post-processing. Uses density, pressure, utau, and velocity variables located at the vertices of tb.
Possible extra variables are ‘Cp’, ‘Cf’, ‘frictionX’, ‘frictionY’, ‘frictionZ’, ‘frictionMagnitude’, ‘ShearStress’, ‘gradnP’ and ‘gradtP’.
- Parameters:
tb ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – surface mesh (TRI-type) with density, pressure, utau, and velocity variables.
PInf (real) – reference pressure to compute Cp
QInf (real) – reference dynamic pressure
variables (list of strings) – list of variables to be computed
- Returns:
surface tree with additional variables located at the cell centers
Example of use:
Computes variables using variables density, pressure, utau, and velocity at vertices of tb (pyTree):
#compute shear stress for IBM import Post.IBM as P_IBM import Converter.PyTree as C import Converter.Internal as Internal import Geom.PyTree as D import Generator.PyTree as G a=D.sphere((0,0,0),0.5,N=30) a = C.convertArray2Tetra(a); a = G.close(a) C._initVars(a,'{centers:utau}={centers:CoordinateX}**2') C._initVars(a,'{centers:VelocityX}={centers:CoordinateZ}*{centers:CoordinateY}') C._initVars(a,'{centers:VelocityY}={centers:CoordinateX}*{centers:CoordinateZ}') C._initVars(a,'{centers:VelocityZ}={centers:CoordinateX}*{centers:CoordinateY}') C._initVars(a,'{centers:Density}=1') C._initVars(a,'{centers:Pressure}=0.71') P_IBM._computeExtraVariables(a,PInf=0.71, QInf=0.005, variables=['Cp','Cf','ShearStress']) C.convertPyTree2File(a,"out.cgns")
- Post.IBM.loads(tb_in, tc_in=None, tc2_in=None, wall_out=None, alpha=0., beta=0., Sref=None, order=1, gradP=False, famZones=[])
Computes the viscous and pressure forces on the immersed boundaries (IB). If tc_in=None, tb_in must also contain the projection of the flow field solution onto the surface.
if tc and tc2 are not None, uses the pressure information at second image points.
- Parameters:
tb_in ([zone, list of zones, base, tree]) – geometry tree
tc_in ([zone, list of zones, base, tree, or None]) – connectivity tree
tc2_in ([zone, list of zones, base, tree, or None]) – connectivity tree containing IBM information for the second image point (optional)
wall_out (string or None) – file name for the output
alpha (float) – angle of attack (x-y plane) (in degrees)
beta (float) – angle of attack (x-z plane) (in degrees)
gradP (boolean) – if True, extracts the wall pressure using pressure gradient information (see extractPressureHO() or extractPressureHO2())
order (1 or 2) – pressure extrapolation order (when gradP is active)
Sref (float or None) – reference surface area for calculating the aerodynamic coefficients (CD/CL). if Sref is None, Sref is computed as the surface area
famZones (list of strings or None) – List of IBC families on which loads are computed.
- Returns:
surface tree with the flow solution. Lists of CD/CL per base.
Example of use: