Thermolib: thermodynamic library


This is a python module interfacing CEDRE Thermolib, that enables to compute complex variables from a solution.

Fast is only available for use with the pyTree interface. You must import the module:

import Thermolib.PyTree as Thermolib

List of functions

– Actions

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo(filename[, workdir, …])

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFlowVars(t, …)

Compute flow variables.

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFluidVars(t, …)

Compute fluid variables.

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFluidVsp(t, …)

Compute variable for each species.



Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo(file, workdir='.'))

Create a handle for computing variables with thermolib.

  • file (string) – xml file used by epicea

  • workdir (string) – directory where xml files are

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFlowVars(a, variables, cont=None)

Compute flow variables in place. If cont is specified, compute on specific container. Possible variables are:

  • Mach number: “M”, “Mach”

  • Total enthalpy: “Htot”, “Total Enthalpy”, “Enthalpie totale”

  • Total energy: “Etot”, “Total Energy”, “Energie totale”

  • Total pressure: “Ptot”, “Total Pressure”, “Pression totale”

  • Total temperature: “Ttot”, “Total Temperature”, “Temperature totale”

  • Density: “Rho”, “Density”, “Masse volumique”

  • Enthalpy: “H”, “Enthalpy”, “Enthalpie statique”

  • Internal energy: “E”, “Internal Energy”, “Energie interne”

  • Specific heat Cp: “Cp”, “Specific Heat CP”, “Chaleur specifique CP”

  • Specific heat cv: “Cv”, “Specific Heat CV”, “Chaleur specifique CV”

  • Gamma: “Gamma”, “Specific Heat Ratio”

  • Sound speed: “Vson”, “Sound Speed”, “Vitesse du son”

  • Entropy: “S”, “Entropy”, “Entropie”

  • Molmass: “Mm”, “Molmass”, “Masse molaire”

  • Viscosity: “Mu”, “Viscosity”, “Viscosite”

  • Conductivity: “Lambda”, “Conductivity”, “Conductivite”

  • Electric conductivity: “Sigma elec”, “Electric conductivity”, “Conductivite elec”

  • a (Zone, list of Zones, Base, pyTree) – input data

  • variables (list of strings) – list of variables to be computed

  • cont (string) – container name (optional)

Example of use:

# - computeFlowVars (PyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Thermolib.PyTree as Thermolib

Internal.__FlowSolutionCenters__ = 'SolutionFlow'

t = C.convertFile2PyTree("Simple/archive_CHARME.hdf")

h = Thermolib.Thermo('epicea.xml', workdir='Simple')

#h._computeFlowVars(t, ['centers:Mach', 'centers:Etot'])
h._computeFlowVars(t, ['Mach', 'Etot'], 'SolutionFlow')

C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFluidVars(a, variables, cont=None)

Compute fluid variables in place. If cont is specified, compute on specific container. Possible variables are:

  • Density: “Rho”, “Density”, “Masse volumique”

  • Enthalpy: “H”, “Enthalpy”, “Enthalpie statique”

  • Internal energy: “E”, “Internal Energy”, “Energie interne”

  • Specific heat Cp: “Cp”, “Specific Heat CP”, “Chaleur specifique CP”

  • Specific heat cv: “Cv”, “Specific Heat CV”, “Chaleur specifique CV”

  • Gamma: “Gamma”, “Specific Heat Ratio”

  • Sound speed: “Vson”, “Sound Speed”, “Vitesse du son”

  • Entropy: “S”, “Entropy”, “Entropie”

  • Molmass: “Mm”, “Molmass”, “Masse molaire”

  • Viscosity: “Mu”, “Viscosity”, “Viscosite”

  • Conductivity: “Lambda”, “Conductivity”, “Conductivite”

  • Electric conductivity: “Sigma elec”, “Electric conductivity”, “Conductivite elec”

  • a (Zone, list of Zones, Base, pyTree) – input data

  • variables (list of strings) – list of variables to be computed

  • cont (string) – container name (optional)

Example of use:

# - computeFluidVars (PyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Thermolib.PyTree as Thermolib

Internal.__FlowSolutionCenters__ = 'SolutionFlow'

t = C.convertFile2PyTree("Simple/archive_CHARME.hdf")

h = Thermolib.Thermo('epicea.xml', workdir='Simple')

#h._computeFluidVars(t, ['centers:Rho', 'centers:H'])
h._computeFluidVars(t, ['Rho', 'H'], 'SolutionFlow')

C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')

Thermolib.PyTree.Thermo._computeFluidVsp(a, variables, cont=None)

Compute fluid variables for species in place. If cont is specified, compute on specific container. Possible variables are:

  • Enthalpy: “H”, “Enthalpy”, “Enthalpie (esp)”

  • Internal energy: “E”, “Internal Energy”, “Energie interne (esp)”

  • Specific heat Cp: “Cp”, “Specific Heat CP”, “Chaleur specifique CP (esp)”

  • Specific heat Cv: “Cv”, “Specific Heat CV”, “Chaleur specifique CV (esp)”

  • Entropy: “S”, “Entropy”, “Entropie (esp)”

  • Viscosity: “Mu”, “Viscosity”, “Viscosite (esp)”

  • Conductivity: “Lambda”, “Conductivity”, “Conductivite (esp)”

  • Diffusivity: “Cdif”, “Diffusivity”, “Coeff diffusion (esp)”

  • Mole fractions: “Xj”, “Fractions molaires (esp)”

  • Chemical potentials: “Gj”, “Potentiels chimiques (esp)”

  • a (Zone, list of Zones, Base, pyTree) – input data

  • variables (list of strings) – list of variables to be computed

  • cont (string) – container name (optional)

Example of use:

# - computeFluidVsp (PyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Converter.Internal as Internal
import Thermolib.PyTree as Thermolib

Internal.__FlowSolutionCenters__ = 'SolutionFlow'

t = C.convertFile2PyTree("Simple/archive_CHARME.hdf")

h = Thermolib.Thermo('epicea.xml', workdir='Simple')

#h._computeFluidVsp(t, ['centers:H', 'centers:Cp'])
h._computeFluidVsp(t, ['H', 'Cp'], 'SolutionFlow')

C.convertPyTree2File(t, 'out.hdf')