tkCassiopee : controls

This page describes the tkCassiopee mouse controls.

If you don't have a file to manipulate, try this sample file: [tryControl.cgns].

Open the file by typing: cassiopee tryControl.cgns or click on the cassiopee icon and open the File/Open menu.

Then try the following:
              Mouse motion + left click: rotate view.
              Mouse motion + right click: translate view.
              Mouse wheel: zoom.

              Ctrl + mouse motion + left click: change point of view.
              Ctrl + mouse motion + right click: tilt view.
              Ctrl + left click: select only one zone at a time (on graphics window or in tkTree) and place the cursor exactly on a mesh point.

              Shift + left click: select only one zone at a time (on graphics window or in tkTree).
              Shift + right click: deactivate (hide)/reactivate (show) one zone (on graphics window or in tkTree).
              Shift + A: reactivate (show) last deactivated zones.
              Shift + mouse motion + left click on graphics window enables multiple selections or multiple deactivations.
              Shift + mouse motion + right click on graphics window enables multiple deactivations.
              Shift + double left click: centers view while selecting.
              Note: when clicking in tkTree, you may click on a zone name, a base name or on "tree". Shift + left click on a base name will select all zones of the base. Shift + right clik in a base name will activate/deactivate all zones of the base.

              Ctrl + shift + left click: multiple selections / deselections (on graphics window or in tkTree).

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