Python: basic python programming with pyTree interface
This tutorial shows some basics using Cassiopee pyTree API.
The pyTree is a mapping of CGNS standard.
We need first to provide access to the module functions
(here Converter
and Generator):
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
Create a structured array corresponding to a regular Cartesian grid:
a = G.cart( (0,0,0), (1,1,1), (10,11,12) )
a is then a zone node. Each node of a pyTree is a python list of
of type: ['Name', n, [], 'NodeType_t'] where
'Name' is the name if the node, n is a numpy containing the data,
[] is a list of sons of this node, 'NodeType_t' describes the type of node.
You can of course manipulate the nodes with direct access:
But, it is easier to use the Internal module.
Print to screen the zone node:
You can always access the numpy storing data, for example
'CoordinateX' by:
n = Internal.getNodeFromName(a, 'CoordinateX')[1]
Convert the previous array as an HEXA unstructured array:
b = C.convertArray2Hexa(a)
Cassiopee functions return a copy of zone a.
It is possible to modify directly a without copy (the so called
in-place treatment). Simply call the function preceded by a _:
a is then modified.
[Download python script].