tkCassiopee : viewing a scalar field

This page describes how to display a scalar field with Cassiopee.
If you don't have a file to manipulate, try this sample file: [tryScalar.cgns].

Open the file by typing: cassiopee tryScalar.cgns.
Open the Visu::tkView applet by right clicking on the Visu icon and selecting tkView.
Finally choose "Scalar" for the display mode instead of "Mesh".
You can move the iso line slider to make the isolines appear in black.


- The widget "Field" is used to select the field to display.

- The second one enables to choose the style for scalar display. You can switch between Iso-colored Bands or Iso-Colored lines. You can also add a surimposed mesh.

- The third row enables to choose the number of Iso-colored bands or lines and the slider enables to grow the line size.

- The fourth row is for setting the min/max displayed values. You can adjust those values by typing them or by using the slider. Furthermore, if you select a zone and click on the min or max button, the values will be set to the min and max values of the field for this zone.

- The fifth row is for adding color legend, choosing the colormap and toggling light.

- The sixth row enables to add the edges of activated or deactivated zones (only for structured grids).

- The last row enables to save your view settings in the tree, such that you can recover them later. The camera view and the min/max values are saved.

Example of view using diverging colormap with Iso-colored bands.
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