*Cassiopée*: a CFD pre and post-processing python package
Reference documentation 3.2:
Converter: Data conversion module
Internal: pyTree basic management module
Filter: partial reading/writing of files
Converter.Mpi: parallel management of pyTrees
elsAProfile: adaptation for elsA solver
Geom: Geometry definition module
Transform: Generic mesh transformation module
Generator: Mesh generation module
Intersector: Mesh intersection module
Connector: Mesh connectivity module
Initiator: Solution initialization module
Post: Solution post-processing and solution extraction
Dist2Walls: Wall distance computation
RigidMotion: Rigid motion management
Compressor: Compression module
Distributor2: Distribute blocks over processors
CPlot: light plotter
tkCassiopee: a Tk interface to module functions
tkPlotXY: a Tk module to draw 1D plot