Cassiopee can be used to perform mesh conversion.
You can of course convert to different file formats, but also
change the topology of your mesh and add/convert boundary conditions.
To change the file format, simply use the menu "File:Save as", and
simply change the file extension to select a given format.
Available formats are described here.
In case of bug or missing format, dont hesitate to contact
Converting mesh topology
- Open Block::tkBlock and Block::tkNGon by right-clicking on Block and chosing the right applet:
tkBlock applet.
- Select a zone (either by shift+click in the graphic window) or by shift-click
in the tkTree window).
- Click on convert2Tetra to convert a block to a TETRA, TRI or
BAR type, depending on element dimensions.
- Click on convert2Hexa to convert a block to a HEXA, QUAD or
BAR type, depending on element dimensions.
- Click on convert2Node to convert a block to a NODE
- Click on convert2NGon to convert a block to a polyedral
- Click on close to "clean" a mesh, meaning suppressing
identical points, identical faces and identical elements.
Checking/modifying boundary conditions
- Open BC::tkBC:
tkBC applet.
- Click on View Mesh/BC with a given type to view
the boundaries of this type.
If you select a boundary by clicking on it in the graphic window,
you can see it in tkTree by clicking on Tool bar Fit View.
Conversely, you can click on a boundary in the tkTree, and view it graphically,
using also Tool bar Fit View.
- Clicking on View undefined BCs will display only undefined boundaries,
that is mesh boundaries that are NOT tagged with a boundary condition.
- When undefined BCs are displayed, click on a boundary in the graphic
window. Then, clicking on setBCWith
will set the given to type to this boundary.
- Clicking on connectMatch will rebuild a missing
inter-block connectivity.